Announcing the Program for State of the Map 2016

Today we’re sharing the programme of upcoming talks at State of the Map 2016 with you!

Over the last few weeks the State of the Map team have been hard at work reviewing your session proposals. We’ve translated, we’ve read, we’ve scored, we’ve filtered, we’ve talked, we’ve listened, we’ve tweaked and we’ve debated! But most of all we’ve thoroughly enjoyed learning about your exciting OpenStreetMap projects. And we’d especially like to thank you for your input via the community survey, important input to the process.


It’s been a big challenge getting to this step. We’ve picked out the best talks but with a limit of just 44, this meant some difficult decisions had to be made. We hope you enjoy the programme of talks – to join us in Brussels don’t forget to purchase your ticket and book your accommodation.

And will soon be adding the Sunday workshops, and lightning talks. There will definitely be space for you to set up informal discussion groups (“birds of a feather” session) during the event.



FOSSGIS 2016The FOSSGIS conference (Free and Open Source Software for Geographical Information Systems) takes place annually, usually in Germany. This year it takes place in Salzburg, Austria. Tickets are still available. Register here. Registration is free for OSM contributors.

This big conference has included OpenStreetMap as a large part of the programme, and has welcomed OpenStreetMap community attendees throughout the history of our project. We gave a round-up of local SOTM conferences previously. Essentially FOSSGIS is the local “State Of The Map” conference for the German-speaking part of the world. With over 400 attendees last year, this is a big event in general, and a big event on the OpenStreetMap calendar!

This year the conference also features a special “OSM Sunday” in the run up to the main conference. Sunday July 3rd is a day dedicated to OpenStreetMap topics. Don’t miss it! On top of that, around half of the presentations, lightning talks and workshops during the week at the conference will be on OpenStreetMap topics (other topics being around open source geo software). And don’t forget the big social event on Tuesday, July 5th.

Recap of the OSMF F2F Meeting

Last weekend, the OSMF Board had our face-to-face (F2F) meeting in Amsterdam. I took a cheap flight on Friday and left early Monday morning to spend 2 full productive days in our meeting venue, to work together on stuff that hadn’t happened in our monthly Board meeetings. Preceding the event, we discussed if we should have an in person meeting at all, but we finally agreed to meet. This blog post should give you an overview of the weekend: how it was organized, what happened, what topics we discussed, how I felt about it, and  the more general outcome of the event. However, I’ll leave out most of the detailed results as we’re still working on and will be published soon, I don’t want to preempt that.

The OSMF Board, still happy after a hard day's work

The OSMF Board, still smiling after a hard day’s work


Of course an event like this has to be prepared in advance. This includes accommodation, meals and of course the topics that we wanted to talk about. Martijn was a great help for the first two points as he lived in Amsterdam until 2011. He found a great venue for us that also featured two bedrooms for accommodations. I was one of the lucky ones to get a room, so no extra work for me to find a place. The other Board members mostly took private housing offers nearby the venue; Frederik also stayed in one of the venue’s rooms. As for the meals, Martijn organized breakfast, lunch and dinner. While breakfast and lunch were arranged in a way to not waste any time and to get back to work quickly, we took a bit more time for our dinner and even met with the local OSM community on Saturday.

For planning of topics and arranging the event we worked with Allen Gunn, an experienced facilitator who works frequently with open source communities. For those who don’t know about facilitation, as I didn’t, it’s a person who helps to arrange events, leading sessions and trying to steer them to get things done. And in case of conflicts, responsible to settle things and move back to constructive work. As a first step, he wrote a mail to each of us asking questions on what we expected from the event, what topics we wanted to have on the agenda, what topics might lead to heated debates and things like that. Unfortunately all of that happened a bit late and we only got an agenda for our event on Friday morning, which at first not everyone was happy about. Sadly, Gunner couldn’t make it to the event himself, so we were on our own, guided by the agenda developed by him. I regret that a bit, as I was curious how facilitation would work, but on the other hand, we were able to work well on our own.


As I said above, I don’t want to preempt the results of the meeting, but I guess it’s ok to talk a bit about our agenda. We had a strict schedule, starting at 9:00 and closing at 17:00 on Saturday and Sunday. For example topics, we spent 90 minutes on committing to greater transparency, and about 45 minutes on on boarding the admin assistant. We also had less specific topics like “Comparing Perspective on ‘Leadership'” and “Building Organizational Vitality”.

And even though each topic on the agenda had some extra text explaining it, I was not always sure what to expect. I guess that’s also why other Board members noted in advance that they were not entirely happy with the agenda as is. But this was not a problem after all, as we could easily change the agenda where needed, and take more or less time for one or another topic. I’m not sure if we would have handled this as flexibly if we had in person facilitation.


I was uncertain what to expect from this event, and especially since it was expensive for some Board members flying from overseas. I was hesitant if we needed to meet in person at all. Though, several Board members with experience of F2F meetings were in favor, and as I had never attended an F2F meeting, I couldn’t really judge, so I abstained from that decision. Asked by Gunner, I explained that, and emphasize that I wanted to talk about transparency. I did hope that we could get on common ground there, but I also thought this would be a heated debate, with most other Board members holding a different opinions. I should probably state this now: I was utterly wrong, see below.

Further I was quite nervous and anxious that I would be able to follow the conversations in English and understand everything being said. However, this went pretty well. Even though my English is for sure not super expressive, I was able to contribute to each conversation, even though sometimes a bit haltering 😉 I followed most of what was said, and I could even mostly follow Paul, who was the hardest to understand. (As Paul put it, that’s because Kate and Mikel speak simple American English but he speaks the real thing, Canadian English. :))

Interestingly, another common theme shared with Gunner by Board members was a desire to get things done. They expressed that we didn’t get many things completed yet this year, but at the same time they thought that we had worked well together. So they focused their expectations on this: get things going, do some actual work or at least scope what’s possible, and what was beyond our reach. Also remember, much of OSMF work is actually done by working groups, and we don’t want to command but rather support them.


As noted above, our facilitator Gunner could not make the event, so we had to manage it ourselves. We had the agenda he compiled for us and we used that as our base for discussions. Still you need someone to channel an agenda and in the end, Mikel stepped up to help. He put a considerable amount of time to discuss the event up front with Gunner, and facilitated every single session. As he also wanted to participate himself, with his input and opinion, he had to do both, IMHO a quite difficult task but he did a great job with that for sure.

We started (and closed) quite a few sessions with a round of short statements from each Board member. Everyone would have one minute to explain what they expect from a topic, or how they feel about something. It gave us a quick overview where each participant stood, and thought about the topic. I found this very interesting, I didn’t expect that we shared so many many opinions. Many sessions involved a huge amount of post-its :-). For example, in the transparency session, we glued 4 big sheets on the window with headers “OSMF internal”, “WG internal”, “public readable”, “public writable”. Everyone had a stack of post-its, wrote a topic on each and stuck it to that sheet where it is currently handled (e.g. “meeting minutes” would be “public readable” or “individual donation details” would be “OSMF internal”). Then, we clustered the notes, as we individually had many ideas in common with each other. And after that we did a round-robin, where we each selected an item,and suggested to move it to someplace else. We discussed, and if approved, it got a sticker on it, so we could later record that it moved (e.g. someone takes “board meetings” from “OSMF internal”, moves it to “public readable” and puts a sticker on it) . There were some controversial topics and there were some surprisingly uncontroversial ones. By the end, many things had moved, and I’m especially happy with the outcome of that session.

Most sessions went this way, with a bit of variation. For example, for the session about a “diverse and global community” we had 3 big sheets “Working”, “What we want to change” and “Disagree”. We again collected ideas on post-its, stuck on the first two sheets and clustered them. Topics we didn’t agree on moved to the third column. Then, we voted on the highest priority topics. Everyone got three stickers and was allowed to select whatever they most valued. At the end, we had a few priority topics to work on further.

I still don’t know what to think about this way of working. I’ve never done something like this before. I didn’t think it was the best way of handling every topic, but I have no better ideas on how to deal with something like this. I do have to note, we got things done this way.

On Sunday, we worked a bit differently. We split up into smaller groups to work intensively on topics. One topic was corporate membership, where three of us collected member feedback, and built upon it. Simultaneously, we had a second session about an Open Source Policy which I attended. We got quite negative feedback from some of the community when we said we were evaluating GitHub for tracking our Board’s internal work, so we agreed to write an Open Source Policy as a guideline for software choices. This was one of the topics I’ve been keen on, too. We used an etherpad to collect a list of points, and developed an outline. I’m quite happy with the results and I hope we get this written out soon to share with you.

Outcome & Future

So what is the outcome of all this? It helped me to get to know the other Board members much better, and I hope and even expect that this will also help in the future. Don’t get me wrong, we have worked well together in the past, but now I know better how each of us think about different topics and I have a bit more idea of personal make up of the other Board members, like when something is a joke and when it’s not.

And I especially hope that we’ll be more productive after this meeting. We can let a Board member work on topics important to them, and have a better idea of the scope of our work. I want to see the things we decided become a reality. We have a large number of action items to work on for the next meetings, and I hope these will be finished in the near future.

Even though I’m enthusiastic about the F2F meeting and its results, it is still another question if it’s worth doing again. We spent a good amount of money to meet, and one might argue that we could have achieved the same result with an online meeting, or by discussing everything by email. I’m still not sure about what to think about that. We are going to assess the effectiveness later, when we can see if and how many of our decisions are actually put into action. I did talk to other Board members about this at dinner, and there are at least two good arguments I heard that might make the F2F meeting worth it. First, dedicating so much time to an online meeting as we did at the F2F is almost impossible. When at home I can’t tell my wife and kids to not enter the room, and I wouldn’t be able to take 8 hours off to talk and discuss. The F2F forces you to do so. You meet with six other people, and cognizant of the effort and cost to get there, you’re focused to make the best result. Second, if we do get a corporate membership plan that everyone is happy with, and just get one new gold member, our F2F meeting would be paid for. Still, I’m just repeating other’s arguments; ask me again in two months or so :).

Community Survey for the State of the Map program

Community voting for State of the Map 2016 is now OPEN! Inspired by the community that makes OSM a reality we want you (!!) to inform the conference program.

Community voting means you now have a say in the talks that mark this historic conference. To participate in the vote, please head over to the survey site.

After you click the link, we will ask you to prove you’re not a robot. You can provide us with your OSM username to help us with spam detection. You’ll then get a huge page of talks to rate, sorted at random. Feel free to rate as many as you like. Just don’t leave the page open for too long, as your session might time out. When you’re tired of it, just scroll down, hit Next until you can Submit your answers.

This is a breakdown of what it all means:

Voting will be open until June 10. We want to hear from the community but also know your privacy is paramount. Your vote can be anonymous if you wish, and will always be confidential.

You matter in the creation of OpenStreetMap and we want your voice to be heard in the creation of its conference. So vote!


The open source survey tool is kindly hosted by Made4it (, a Belgian data analysis and market research company.

The State of Papers

On September 23 we convene in Brussels to discuss the achievements and future of OpenStreetMap at the international State of the Map 2016 conference.

SOTM 2016 Session Proposals and Scholarships!

SOTM 2016 Session Proposals and Scholarships! 

The call for proposals and scholarships closed the other week and the organizing committee is hard at work curating a conference from all the amazing (really amazing) applications. But we wanted to let you know something first. We had more session and scholarship submissions than ever!!! Counting any OpenStreetMap conference!! Ever!

Our world-breaking numbers for State of the Map 2016 are:

  • 196 session proposals!!!!
  • 157 scholarship applications!!!

Everyone has something to contribute to OpenStreetMap and so many want to be at the international conference to say it.  In the coming weeks, the conference program committee will read through each of these submissions and we’ll start to put together the program. So expect more news on the State of the Map schedule by end of June. It’s going to be an exciting summer and a geo happy September. We hope to see everyone there!

Server maintenance May 13-15

Some secondary services like the wiki may be affected by maintenance this weekend. Following this weekend, OpenStreetMap users may experience some slow uploads due to continued tuning after our recent database move.

On Monday May 9, our Operation Team smoothly moved the master OSM database server to Bytemark hosting, from Imperial College. Setting up multiple data center redundancy avoided further downtime due to planned power testing and maintenance at the Imperial data centre.

Over the weekend, we are switching some additional services to Bytemark, due to that power maintenance at Imperial. Primary OSM services will be operational, but the Wiki will be in read-only mode during this time. The slow uploads are a known issue, and are being addressed following the maintenance this weekend. More details on the talk mailing list.

OpenStreetMap Foundation is Hiring an Administrative Assistant

The OpenStreetMap Foundation Board is looking for a detail oriented, part-time administrative assistant with a passion for open communities, who can help accelerate the work of the OpenStreetMap Foundation. Sharp organization and communication skills, and excitement for the mission of OSM will be helpful.

The role’s responsibilities will be to help prepare for meetings, tracking action items and votes; ensure excellent communication between our volunteer community members, working groups and the board; handle inquiries and communicate on behalf of the foundation; and organize our paperwork and publish routine matters.

Is this you? Or know a great candidate? You have until Friday, June 10 (extended!) to apply.

This is the full job posting. Email with applications and any questions.

Registration is Now Open for State of the Map!

early bird tickets!

Early bird tickets for State of the Map 2016 are now on sale! Come register for this international gathering of the OpenStreetMap community. Move fast. We might sell out! 😉

State of the Map offers value for anyone excited about open location data. Our main conference days will feature nearly 50 talks, open spaces for gatherings, and exhibition areas where individuals and organizations can meet. Hundreds of OpenStreetMap community members are expected to attend and we want you there! Register now or if you need financial assistance, apply for a scholarship.

Here are your links:

The early bird catches the worm. Or “Le monde appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt.” The world of OpenStreetMap belong to those who get (tickets) early.

Planned server outage – 9th May

The Operations Working Group are in the process of planning some hardware moves as a result of maintenance at our primary datacentre. The plans are subject to change, but these moves are expected to take place on Monday 9th May (a week from today), and this will mean a period of read only operation lasting for up to 24 hours (into Tuesday).

The read-only period will mean the OpenStreetMap website and map is still available, but no map editing will be possible during this time.

The ‘2016 May server maintenance’ wiki page has some more technical details, and will be updated with more precise timing information as the plans are finialised in the coming days.

We’re putting out this announcement to give some advanced notice, but we appreciate some people will be wanting to know more about the exact timings of the read-only period. Please have patience. The Operations Working Group are busy making plans, and will aim to firm things up in the coming days.