Welcome OpenStreetMap Italia

The OpenStreetMap Foundation is excited to welcome its second official Local Chapter organization: OpenStreetMap Italia.

OpenStreetMap Italia is a subgroup of WikiMedia Italia – associazione per la diffusione della conoscenza libera. Long-standing OpenStreetMap leader Simone Cortesi led the process of working with the OpenStreetMap Foundation and Wikimedia Italia to reach this milestone. Simone is the current President of the Local Chapter. He previously held a seat on the Board of Directors of the OpenStreetMap Foundation. He is also a long time contributor to the OSM project as a mapper, organizer and developer.

Simone Cortesi of OpenStreetMap Italia (left) and Martijn van Exel OSMF board (right), signing the local chapter agreement

Simone Cortesi of OpenStreetMap Italia (left) and Martijn van Exel from the OpenStreetMap Foundation board (right), signing the local chapter agreement

The Italian community has been one of the more active local communities since the beginning of OpenStreetMap. Around 150 people contribute to OpenStreetMap in Italy every day. A bi-weekly newsletter dedicated to local Wikimedia and OpenStreetMap topics reaches an audience of around 25,000. The OpenStreetMap Italia Local Chapter has 450 members that represent the diversity in the Italian OSM community.

OpenStreetMap Italia, combined with WikiMedia Italia, has a staff of 7 people, with one full time project manager working on OpenStreetMap and one half-time working on training and outreach. The Chapter’s new official status will allow WikiMedia Italia to fully support OpenStreetMap initiatives in Italy and enable stronger collaborations, especially in the government domain.

Field Report of a Board Freshman

New foundation board member Peter Barth

One month has passed since the elections, so I decided to write down a little blog post about my impressions as a new board member. Even though I had listened into a board meeting and participated in an OSMF working group before, there were still many things to learn and new tools and processes to get acquainted with. This post is not super specific, but I still hope this will be an interesting read for others who are curious how the OpenStreetMap Foundation board works.

The infrastructure

Once the election results came in, everything happened quite quickly and we got a bunch of new accounts for various services. As you might remember, the election results were final on December 12, 2015 around 19:00 (CET). Less than 6 hours later, I was added to the internal board mailing list (the board@ address). Well, perhaps I was added earlier, but at 00:27 my first board mail arrived. This list is the main communication channel for the board and almost anything is discussed there. The address can be used by anyone, by the way, so if you have any matter to discuss you’re free to write to this address to reach the whole board – though reading is limited to the board directors. Just to give you an impression about the traffic, I got 266 mails until today on that list. Only 25 hours after my election I also got a personal @osmfoundation.org mail address which should be used whenever I want to speak as an official board member. Mails sent to these addresses are handled and, depending on the configuration, archived by Google.

The same day, we got accounts for the public OSM Foundation wiki and for the private wiki of the board. The latter is to be used for internal stuff, e.g. it now contains a primer page with all the stuff new members need to know. I haven’t changed much myself yet, but I read a lot and even though the wiki is not that large (about 30 pages), there is much information to process.

In addition the above, there’s a service called Loomio, which is used for deciding on board resolutions outside of meetings, so called circular resolutions. That seemed kind of superfluous to me, but it appears to have been introduced some time ago to make it easier to manage resolutions as there was a lack of clarity about status and conclusion and as resolutions via emails had a low number of participants. (When the first circular resolution of this term passed, Paul almost incredulously noted that this was the first time he ever saw all board members vote.). Anyway, the tool itself is neatly organized, easy to use and you can choose to receive email notifications when something happens within our group.

The board does not have a ticketing system, by the way, but has great human tracker: Paul. He collects items from the mailing lists and amazingly manages all that so nothing gets lost. Other than that, everyone has their own list of open items. Not everyone was happy with this, however, so we discussed whether to try something different this term. That’s why there will be a trial period where we use the issue tracker of GitHub to keep track of open tasks, assign tasks and so on. We’ll see how that turns out.

There are some other tools in use, too, but there were no special actions needed to set them up. For example, we use Doodle to agree on a date and we use Mumble for our meetings. We have an IRC channel to talk to each other, though seeing how not everyone is used to irc, it gets used to chat rather than discuss. And finally there is CiviCRM for the members’ database, accessible via a WordPress plugin. But it took me a while to get access to that one, as I did miss the invitation mail.

Legal obligations

As the secretary needs to submit an “Appointment of a director” form to the Companies House, I had to give some personal details to Paul, including my date of birth and my private address. It’s the directors’ duty to submit this information, as the details about the directors on the board have to be made public, according to British law.

I’m also working on getting access to our bank account as I was selected as a backup for our treasurer. After trying to get hold of someone explaining me how to do that and struggling to understand the London dialect of a nice lady from customer support at Barclays, I was glad that Frederik was able to help me. Eventually, I had to get an certified copy of my ID, fill out a bunch of forms and be very cautious to put my signature within given bounds to not invalidate these forms. And now I’m waiting to see what happens. If I’m unlucky, I’m going to have to travel to Frankfurt to appear in person at Barclays.

Getting started

So with all the preparations out of the way, what has the board worked on since the elections?

During the last few weeks, we processed a few tasks related to our working groups, such as budget requests. Unfortunately, there were also legal disputes affecting the DWG that the board had to deal with. We used the opportunity to talk at length about our interactions with working groups in general, and how to support their work without interfering with it. Naturally, there were different ideas and interesting discussions, and I expect that there will be small but exciting changes to come. As much of the actual work is done by the working groups, they form an integral part of the OSMF and OSM in general. Other than that, we also dealt with some inquiries by different NGOs, and of course there were mails from newbies like me, asking silly questions.

Whenever there are topics that need to be decided on, we use votes to form a consensus. Either at one of our Mumble meetings which take place one a month, or via Loomio as a circular resolution if the topic can’t wait or is considered simple enough to not warrant any discussion at a meeting. For something to get passed a simple majority is enough, and notably there’s no quorum to be reached. In theory, it would be possible to decide on something with only one vote in favor. (No, that hasn’t happened yet.)


Now that I’m getting more familiar with the way things work, I’m eager to work on the challenges I outlined in my agenda, and I’m sure my colleagues are, too. As always, the board is happy about any input or contribution on osmf-talk@, by direct mail or to the OSMF in general. Even if a matter is already discussed on the board, it feels good and necessary if the members discuss topics, suggest things and demand answers, too. So please continue contributing to osmf-talk@ to make it a livelier place.

And last but not least I hope that this post has been an interesting read that can help others who consider running for the board, contributing to one of the great working groups out there, or simply joining the OSMF as a member.

Peter Barth

OpenStreetMappy Christmas

OpenStreetMappy Christmas to all the map contributors and users!

Russian user te_mark recently noticed that the OpenStreetMap node with id number 1, was quite nearby, so he went to go take a look at it, and posted a photo of what he found:

It’s a christmas tree! (or at least a fairly christmassy-looking tree. A tree with needles, as the leaf_type=needleleaved tag accurately records!)

Take a look at node number 1 for yourself.  Now we have to point out that, although it has id number 1, this is not the first ever node in the OpenStreetMap database. It just ended up with this id number after some database re-arrangements of these low-numbered ids. OpenStreetMap has 3.1 billion nodes in the database, and of course this number is rising all the time as more and more data is contributed. Nodes can represent all kinds of things. Often they’re just mid-points along a way, but yes… nodes can represent trees. We have nearly 6 million of those on OpenStreetMap.

So whichever leaf_type you get in your part of the world, we hope you have an OpenStreetMappy Christmas!

Welcome new board

At the weekend we held our 2015 Annual General Meeting, and foundation members voted to elect four new board members. Congratulations to…

They join Kate Chapman, Frederik Ramm, and Paul Norman on the foundation board. Thanks to all eleven candidates who took part in the election, and thanks to the members for asking questions, debating the issues, and casting your votes.

For more voting details including passing of a special resolution, see the public meeting minutes and transcript.

As well as finalising the election, the Annual General Meeting included presentation of the chairperson’s report from Kate Chapman, and the treasurer’s report from Frederik Ramm.

The election campaigning/discussion included great ideas about future directions of OpenStreetMap and the foundation. Let’s bring some of these ideas to life in the coming year! Don’t forget, one of the key ideas all candidates agreed upon, was encouraging more involvement from the OpenStreetMap community in the work of the fundation e.g. via working groups. So now’s a great time to get involved!


Today is MapMyDay, a campaign raising awareness of barriers encountered. These include people with wheelchairs, walking aids and pushchairs. 
The campaign uses http://wheelmap.org/ app and website to add accessibility information into OpenStreetMap.


Barriers affect many people: Elderly, children, families as well as those with disabilities. Stopping them from being able to access places taken for granted by most people.  By mapping these barriers, the ‘MapMyDay’ campaign is starting a worldwide movement to call attention to these, with the intention of removing them.
Download the app from mapmyday.org.  As you go about your day make a  difference by recording if the places you visit are ‘fully’, ‘partially’  or ‘not wheelchair accessible’.

Here comes State of the Map 2016

State of the Map 2016 is on. We have fixed a location. Here come the facts.

The conference will be held on September 23 – 25, 2016 in the heart of Europe, Brussels, at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB ‐ Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Elsene, Brussels). The Vrije Universiteit Brussel is the offshoot of the French-speaking Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), founded in 1834 by a Brussels lawyer with Flemish origins, Pierre-Théodore Verhaegen. He wanted to establish a university independent from state and church and where academic freedom would reign.

Following years of tradition we held a logo competition for SotM 2016. We were delighted by the response and eventually settled on the eye-catching design below. Thanks to Veronica Semeco, who designed the winning logo, and Tatiana van Campenhout, who prepared the logo and website for launch.


State of the Map provides a fantastic opportunity to meet the diverse OpenStreetMap community and to celebrate your achievements and look forward into the future. As an organising team we are delighted to be able to bring data contributors, data users and software developers together again and we look forward to meeting you all in Brussels.

The SotM 2016 website has launched. There you will find more information about registration, call for proposals, the programme, social events and accommodations soon. Please also take the time to sign up to our email newsletter or follow us on twitter.


This week (starting tomorrow) is Geography Awareness Week. This year we’re joining in this celebration of all things geography, by holding mapathons all around the world. We’re calling it “OSMGeoWeek.”


OSMGeoWeek globe by Dan Joseph. Print your own with this PDF

Check out osmgeoweek.org, to see the line-up of events. OSMGeoWeek is a collaborative effort of many partners including MapGive (U.S. Department of State), the Peace Corps, USAID, the World Bank’s Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, Missing Maps, and of course the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team aiming to get up to 100 mapathons organised worldwide. Why not organise an event in your town? Use the contact links on the site if you have an event you’d like to see added to the list. We already have events confirmed in more than 20 countries.

mapmydayAnother event coming up next month is Map My Day (mapmyday.org). This is a wheelchair accessibility mapping event organised by the awesome people behind wheelmap.org. Get ready to join in with that one on December 3rd.

Board elections 2015

It’s soon time for members of the OpenStreetMap Foundation to elect new leadership to the OSMF board. The foundation board is made up of seven people, of whom three will be remaining for an extended term, while four seats are up for election.

Our choice of candidates is not finalised yet. Candidate nominations are open up until Sat 21st Nov. If you are involved in the OpenStreetMap Foundation, and you’d like to step up and help set the future direction of our organisation, why not put yourself forwards for election to the board? Candidate details can be found on the election wiki page.

After that deadline we have one more week and then the voting will open, The following week after that, voting will close, coinciding with the Annual General Meeting. This has been officially announced and scheduled for Saturday, 5th December.

The map you see on OpenStreetMap.org is changing

If you head over to OpenStreetMap.org and click on the layers button on the right of the map, you are provided a selection of map layers to choose from. This is possible due to the nature of OpenStreetMap – by distributing open geographic data we enable others to produce a map from OpenStreetMap data in whatever style they require. The OSM website provides five such styles but there are many hundreds, if not thousands of other styles in use across the web.

We will shortly begin to roll out a new version of the ‘Standard’ (or default) map style replacing the current version. Although the new version is an evolution of the existing version, the changes to road colours and the display of railways will significantly help to improve the readability of the map. During this roll out you may see a patchwork of old and new map style for a few hours – please be patient whilst our servers work hard to update all corners of the map.

before-after road styles

How will the style change?

The change of the map style will primarily effect the way roads and railways are displayed. As OpenStreetMap has grown over the last 11 years we have began to collect more and more information about our surrounding environment. The standard map style has adapted to display this information, but over time this has led to the road and rail network becoming harder to identify. For example, trunk roads (currently shown in green) can be very hard to see in heavily forested areas.

In the new map style “road colours [are] tuned to ensure that roads are well visible on all landcovers”, explains Mateusz Konieczny, who has developed the new style (project details) . Mateusz has worked with the OpenStreetMap community at every step of the journey from initial research to draft implementations to gather feedback on the design. He adds that “steady progression of hue and lightness for major road types (motorway, trunk, primary, secondary, tertiary) should make more intuitive which roads are more important”.

There’s been other recent changes to the style – why highlight this one?

You’re right. For the last few years there has been a new map style released every two to three weeks. As with all things OpenStreetMap there is an army of volunteers working to fix and improve the map style. It would be great to write about all of them but that’s simply not possible. So this change, being one of the larger ones and a Google Summer of Code project, gives us a great opportunity to pause and thank all those who have contributed to the map style. Thank you style maintainers!

What next for this map style?

In the short term, it’s likely to be small incremental tweaks so as to continuously improve the map. Every big change attracts new style maintainers who bring their own ideas and experience. There may be a few minor tweaks to the paths and roads based on their ideas.

There is also an updated version of Mapnik, the underlying toolkit used to convert the written style rules in to the final map you see on the OSM website. The latest version will help to fix a lot of bugs related to non-latin scripts/languages. In the longer term there is the option to repopulate the database used by the Standard map style so that it has access to all OpenStreetMap data tags, not just a limited few.

Can I help with development of the ‘Standard’ style?

Yes. The standard map style, which is known as OpenStreetMap-Carto is available on GitHub. Andy Allan, who re-energized the development of this map style in 2012 has given a number of talks at recent OpenStreetMap conferences. Two good starting points are his talk at State of the Map US 2015 in which he gave a progress update for the project, and the detailed workshop he ran at State of the Map EU 2014.

And what about the other map styles?

Well this change only affects the ‘Standard’ (or default) layer as seen on openstreetmap.org.
There are a number of alternative map styles available or you could make your own. Perhaps you want to produce your own personal map to highlight features that are important to you, or maybe you want the map to better match your company brand. This is all possible with OpenStreetMap data. You can even take the current ‘Standard’ as a starting point.

Is it possible to add new map styles to the OSM website?

It is possible, although your style (and the hosting of it) must meet a number of criteria to be considered. See our tile layer guidelines.

New OpenStreetMap US board + Upcoming foundation elections

OpenStreetMap US ran a board election process recently, and yesterday they announced their newly elected board members. Congratulations to Ian Dees, Alex Barth, Alyssa Wright, Martijn van Exel, and Drishtie Patel! The run up to the election included this recorded video conference featuring the candidates, which seems like a great way to get to know the personalities involved. If you’re based in the U.S. be sure to get involved in this local OpenStreetMap organisation: openstreetamp.us

The OpenStreetMap Foundation (the organisation supporting OpenStreetMap globally) is also kicking off a board election process. The election will take place in December, so now is a good time to join the foundation if you are not already a member. This is a great way to support OpenStreetmap, and the osmf-talk mailing list will bring you updates on how the board elections will work. Read more on the election wiki page where we are also inviting new board candidates to step forwards.