Category Archives: State of the Map

State Of The Map. The OpenStreetMap conference organised by the foundation

We have our winners!

A group photo of all the nominees on the stage of the State of the Map conferenceOn September 25th we announced the winners of the OpenStreetMap Awards, for which hundreds of mappers voted this month. The results are:
  • The Core Systems Award went to Roland Olbricht for the Overpass API.
  • The Innovation Award went to Manuel Roth and Lukas Martinelli for OSM2VectorTiles.
  • The Influential Writing Award went to the WeeklyOSM Team for their weekly news blog.
  • The Greatness in Mapping Award went to Martin Ždila for mapping a lot of hiking routes.
  • The Expanding the Community Award went to Pascal Neis for his community maps.
  • The Ulf Möller Memorial Award went to Frederik Ramm.
All the nominees are doing important work for improving OpenStreetMap, making it better and more visible. We cannot thank you enough! Also thanks to everyone who voted and to these who spend their hours on the open maps. Please continue the good work, and prepare to nominate each other for the next awards. See you next year!

State of the Map Workshops and Lightning Talks

A Fork in the Road

A Fork in the Road

A successful conference is the perpetual fork in the road. Which path (otherwise known as “track”) will you walk down? Because honestly — the entire program of State of the Map is amazing (otherwise known as “mouth-watering”).

In parallel to our regularly scheduled programming of such amazing talks (including yours truly!) on Friday we have the excitement of five minute lightning talks AND on Sunday we invite you to get your hands dirty in our workshop sessions.

Now most seriously, it is important to wash your hands before attending any State of the Map event so we don’t advise attending workshops unkempt. But if you are interested in trying on some of the newest development and contribution to OpenStreetMap we very much encourage you to come.

Come find the Lightning Talks on Friday 4-5pm in Auditorium A

And get your silverware ready for a Workshops 15 course meal (that means there are 15 workshops!) starting at 10am and going until 5pm on Sunday. There will be Workshops in rooms QA and QC as well as Room 1 and Room 2, in Building D. 

And if we don’t see you at those we will see you at the talks, otherwise know as the spoons and knives of the conference. Because the entire State of the Map program is designed to satisfy your your OpenStreetMap appetite. Come hungry!

Vote for the Best at the OpenStreetMap Awards

This year, for the first time in history of our project, we are preparing for the first OpenStreetMap Awards, which will be presented this September at the State of the Map 2016 conference in Brussels.


Again, this is a community award: nominees and winners are chosen by you, the community. During the preliminary stage, you have submitted more than a hundred nominees for six categories, including the Ulf Möller Memorial Award. From those, a group of active members of the OSM Foundation have prepared a short list: five candidates for each category. It definitely was not simple: a lot has happened during the past year, and we had to omit some good nominees to fit in these five slots. With the remaining list we’re left thinking “can we just award all of them?”, but there can be only one winner (for each category). So the rest is up to you!

Please vote for your nominees on the awards website. For each of the six categories, choose one nominee. Whoever gains the most votes by the end of the voting, on September 22nd, will receive the award. The winners will be announced on Sunday, September 25th, at the State of the Map conference.

Come join as at the State of the Map social event!

As if your 8am to 6pm State of the Map schedule was not social enough, we are packing your Saturday night with an officially sponsored State of the Map social event. And it will definitely be an event worth remembering as we convene both in silo and in style at the Brussels Event Brewery. Named after the huge tanks (‘silos’) of the former brewery, this multi functional industrial area will be home base for Belgian beers (aka drink), Belgian food (aka frites) and maybe a Belgian waffle or two.

Come join us after the social presentations close on Saturday, September 24th for the official State of the Map 2016 social event! The details for your fast recall:

  • Where: Brussels Event Brewery SILO room
  • Where 2.0: Rue Delaunoystraat 58 B/1 | B-1080
  • When: From 7:00 pm
  • What: Free Beer, food, wine and water
  • Who: Free of charge for anyone registered for State of the Map
  • Why: Because there will be a lot of mapping to talk about


Nominate Your Heroes for the OpenStreetMap Awards

Announcing the OpenStreetMap Awards, awarded for the first time this September at the State of the Map 2016 conference in Brussels!

This is a community award: nominees and winners are chosen by the community. We are now opening the Call for Nominees, to learn more about the amazing contributors to OpenStreetMap. The Awards strive to be a worldwide event for all OpenStreetMap members, including developers, mappers, community leaders, blog writers and everyone else. We need your help to find the best of OpenStreetMap globally.

Add your nominees on the awards website. There are six categories: Core Systems, Innovation, Writing, Mapping, Community and the Ulf Möller Memorial Award. You can nominate up to ten people, groups or organizations for each category. Eligible are projects or works that were announced after August 1st, 2015, except for the Ulf Möller Award, for which everyone is eligible regardless of the time when they were active in the project.

The call for nominees will close August 27th, and shortly after that we will start the second round, choosing the award recipients. Please nominate!

Hackday at State of the Map

A hackday at State of the Map is a great opportunity to start working on those awesome projects that seemed unimaginable just a few days before, or to continue something already under way. Join us and get hands on with code, documentation sprints and mapping activities. What you work on is up to you!

OSM Hack weekend London Feb 2013

As usual the hackday will be after the main conference, Monday the 26th of September. This year we are lucky to have found a space donated by Brussels Environment. We can use the BEL conference center with room for about 100 people right in the city center of Brussels. We will need the space because we are joining forces with OSGeo Belgium who have their FOSS4G Belgium conference the day before SOTM.

We ask you kindly to subscribe here and indicate if you want to order food. Make sure you order if you want to eat at the venue because you are not allowed to bring in outside food. We are still looking for a sponsor – but failing that, we will ask for a contribution of 6€ on the day.

All further practical details can be found on the event page. Hope to see you all there!

Your State of the Map team

Closing soon! Early bird registration and hotel deal for State of the Map

Thanks to the support of our amazing sponsors we have kept the Early Bird tickets for State of the Map available for as long as possible. With less than 8 weeks to go until we gather in Brussels the Early Bird offer will soon come to an end.

State of the Map - Brussels 2016

You have until 7th August to grab your price savvy tickets now before normal prices kick in.

Don’t forget your accommodation though! The number of rooms available in our hotel deal drops by half when Early Bird closes so book your room before it’s too late.

Your State of the Map team

Announcing the Program for State of the Map 2016

Today we’re sharing the programme of upcoming talks at State of the Map 2016 with you!

Over the last few weeks the State of the Map team have been hard at work reviewing your session proposals. We’ve translated, we’ve read, we’ve scored, we’ve filtered, we’ve talked, we’ve listened, we’ve tweaked and we’ve debated! But most of all we’ve thoroughly enjoyed learning about your exciting OpenStreetMap projects. And we’d especially like to thank you for your input via the community survey, important input to the process.


It’s been a big challenge getting to this step. We’ve picked out the best talks but with a limit of just 44, this meant some difficult decisions had to be made. We hope you enjoy the programme of talks – to join us in Brussels don’t forget to purchase your ticket and book your accommodation.

And will soon be adding the Sunday workshops, and lightning talks. There will definitely be space for you to set up informal discussion groups (“birds of a feather” session) during the event.



FOSSGIS 2016The FOSSGIS conference (Free and Open Source Software for Geographical Information Systems) takes place annually, usually in Germany. This year it takes place in Salzburg, Austria. Tickets are still available. Register here. Registration is free for OSM contributors.

This big conference has included OpenStreetMap as a large part of the programme, and has welcomed OpenStreetMap community attendees throughout the history of our project. We gave a round-up of local SOTM conferences previously. Essentially FOSSGIS is the local “State Of The Map” conference for the German-speaking part of the world. With over 400 attendees last year, this is a big event in general, and a big event on the OpenStreetMap calendar!

This year the conference also features a special “OSM Sunday” in the run up to the main conference. Sunday July 3rd is a day dedicated to OpenStreetMap topics. Don’t miss it! On top of that, around half of the presentations, lightning talks and workshops during the week at the conference will be on OpenStreetMap topics (other topics being around open source geo software). And don’t forget the big social event on Tuesday, July 5th.

Community Survey for the State of the Map program

Community voting for State of the Map 2016 is now OPEN! Inspired by the community that makes OSM a reality we want you (!!) to inform the conference program.

Community voting means you now have a say in the talks that mark this historic conference. To participate in the vote, please head over to the survey site.

After you click the link, we will ask you to prove you’re not a robot. You can provide us with your OSM username to help us with spam detection. You’ll then get a huge page of talks to rate, sorted at random. Feel free to rate as many as you like. Just don’t leave the page open for too long, as your session might time out. When you’re tired of it, just scroll down, hit Next until you can Submit your answers.

This is a breakdown of what it all means:

Voting will be open until June 10. We want to hear from the community but also know your privacy is paramount. Your vote can be anonymous if you wish, and will always be confidential.

You matter in the creation of OpenStreetMap and we want your voice to be heard in the creation of its conference. So vote!


The open source survey tool is kindly hosted by Made4it (, a Belgian data analysis and market research company.