Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Tragedy of Edmontorcouver Open Data


There are two minor mistakes that are holding Edmontorcouver open data
back from wide adoption, two minor mistakes that are preventing the
Edmontorcouver open data initiative from being a tremendous success.
Tiny mistakes. Easy to overlook. These are the O-rings on
Edmontorcouver open data Success Boosters.

Find out how to fix your municipal open data initiative.

Statue photo cc-by-sa fabbio on Flickr

Rapideye gives Chile sat images to OSM

Jochen Topf writes…

Rapideye gives Chile sat images to OSM

The german satellite company Rapideye has released satellite images for the areas in Chile affected by the earth quake to OpenStreetMap. The images are copyrighted but can be used to add data to OSM.

For information on how to include these images into JOSM and Potlatch see…

Humanitarian OSM Team List

During crisis, the HOT list supports coordination among the OSM community, along side appropriate local country lists, and the talk/dev lists when needed. It is the point where disaster responders and affected people can connect directly to members of the OSM community ready to help. In quieter times, the list helps HOT to prepare resources and improve its response.

Note that talk/dev are still good for mobilizing the wide community to a HOT activation, but details of the response can for the most part safely move into this list once we get critical mass of subscribers.

Please join if you are interested in helping HOT, or need HOT services. Thanks!

SOTM Call For Papers now out

What’s hot and sizzling about OpenStreetMap? What do you want to share with the community? Have you been working on cool and funky OSM apps? Do you have thesolution how to make mapping as easy as … well … you name it. Or have you done research on OSM and want to share the results with the people who make OpenStreetMap?

The call for papers for the fourth international State of the Map conference is now open. The OpenStreetMap Foundation invite contributions from mappers, academics, geo-hackers and open geodata supporters around the world. If you are involved in OpenStreetMap mapping, coding or community organisation – or if you want the chance to present your ideas or opinions to the OpenStreetMap community, you should submit a paper to the State of the Map 2010.

Integrating OpenStreetMap in Bing Maps (Part 1) – Windows Live

Integrating OpenStreetMap in Bing Maps (Part 1)



Bing Maps has a very good coverage with roadmaps and aerial imagery. However, there are regions where our data providers have gaps. Crowed-sourcing of geospatial data might be an option to fill these gaps and one of the most active communities is around OpenStreetMap. The OpenStreetMap data is available under the Create Common Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 License which means that as long as you provide the correct attribution to the source you should be fine to integrate the data with Bing Maps.

While it is theoretically possible to link directly to the OpenStreetMap tile servers, users who have a high load are requested to run their own tile servers. This also allows you to take control over availability and scalability of the tile servers.

TomTom shrugs off free apps threat with new iPhone app

We have the best maps, HD Traffic means people don’t have to get stuck in traffic, and maybe they can leave home a little later. There are services like OpenStreetMap, and it’s good, but sometimes there’s not a bridge when it told you there would be.

Good to see we’ve moved to stage 2 with TomTom in the classic “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”