Category Archives: Uncategorized

Transit schedules could be better.


Some of us are wondering what SteveC will be up to next, between hang
gliding lessons and skiing. He offered one hint today when he
published a new blog and introduced us to “Transiki”. Kind of like
Transit and Wiki; get it?

Steve talked about proprietary transit formats and varying attitudes
toward data sharing. This will be good fun to keep an eye on as it
progresses. Imagine the cool things that we’ll be able to learn when
we can see the neighboring and / or competing transit systems all in
the same tool. We’ve seen how OpenCycleMap makes a joke of municipal
cycle maps that “stop at the border”. Cyclists care bout the other
side of the border as well. Transit maps are about to get a wakeup

You should read all of Steve’s announcement on his new Transiki blog:

Spot Image Trial OSM Image Donation

Aerial imagery provider Spot Image is allowing OSM users to derive
data from selected Spot Image images in France.

The announcement, in French, expresses interest in finding mutual
benefit for Spot Image and OpenStreetMap. As described by
Jean-Francois Faudi, of Spot Image,

At this stage, we are only making a test over France. As
soon as possible, we will try to evaluate the mutual benefits for Spot
Image and OpenStreetMap in order to foster an extended collaboration.…

Some of us first became aware of the interest Spot Image has in
OpenStreetMap in June 2010, when Spot Image was announced as Silver
Sponsor of State of the Map.

Public use of OpenStreetMap data, with attribution

Looks like there will be another Nike Grid event in London, England
using OpenStreetMap data. The online maps haven’t been released yet
but it looks like they have included OSM and CC-By-SA attribution on
at least some of their printed material this time.

It is always nice to see people and companies understanding the value
of OpenStreetMap data and then using and attributing it appropriately.

Attribution photo by Ollie O’Brien
licensed CC-By-NC-SA

Project of the Week: Potlatch 2


You know it. You love it. It’s the editor on the main OSM web site.
It’s Potlatch and it’s had some serious renovations. It’s so new that
now it has a new name, “Potlatch 2”. But before Potlatch 2 can go live
on the OpenStreetMap web site, it has to be put through it’s paces.
After more than a year of development, Potlatch 2 is a complete
re-write of Potlatch. It has new features too numerous to mention, but
for the most important feature; it is an editor for OpenStreetMap. So
let’s test it.

Details and suggestions on the Project of the Week wiki page

This is your Project of the Week. Submit your own projects or offer
suggestions to inspire and inform other mappers.

Hardware fund Donation to OSM Foundation from MapQuest

MapQuest have made a donation to the OpenStreetMap Foundation. The
funds will be applied to hardware improvements and will benefit
OpenStreetMap contributors around the world.…

You can make a donation to OpenStreetMap as well, via the donation link below.

Image of the Week: Великие Луки Mapping Weekend


Великие Луки Mapping Weekend banner: “We’ve come from different cities
of Russia and Belarus to create the best map of Velikiye Luki in the

This is a Featured image, which means that it has been identified as
one of the best examples of OpenStreetMap mapping, or that it provides
a useful illustration of the OpenStreetMap project.

If you know another image of similar quality, you can nominate it at