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OSM 1 year Party

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Yes, its coming up to the one year anniversary of the arbitrarily chosen
domain registration timestamp! Fire up whois and behold 09-Aug-2004
18:47:25 UTC.

What: OSM Party 1.0. Beer then food by popular vote (Brick Lane?) Good
company, beer and mapping conversation. Special event at 18:47:25!

When: 9th Aug 2005, 6pm onward

Where: Strongroom Bar, 120-124 Curtain Road, LONDON, EC2A 3SQ

Map: streetmap
or OSM

Reminder will be sent at one week and at one day beforehand.

New applet

The applet has been rewritten to use openmap, which is cool. Also it loads a set amount of data and does it through a compressed stream. yay. Now need to add tools to delete temp points, add streets, and stuff. Oh and user authentication…

more data

Went on a boat to Greenwich yesterday, and recoded the track down the thames. Funny that the gps recieved lots of data inside Greenwich market wich has a (obviously not very metalic) roof with iron beams (or something) across it.