Category Archives: Regional SOTM conferences

Invitation to State of the Map Europe 2024

The OpenStreetMap Poland Association is pleased to invite all members of the OSM community to the State of the Map Europe 2024 conference, to be held in Łódź, Poland, from 18–21 July 2024. In addition to many interesting presentations and talks, it will be an opportunity to meet, discuss and exchange experiences.

Conference tickets

Conference tickets can be purchased at:

Traveling and accommodation

If you would like some advice on how to get to the conference, and suggestions for accommodation, we have compiled some information at:

If you have questions about traveling to Poland or you would like to ask something else related to the conference, you can write at:


As you know, ’State of the Map Europe’ is a non-profit event, and for organizational purposes we need people who can help us on a volunteer basis.

During the event, we will need volunteers who will be ready to support us in Łódź — mainly on the premises of the Łódź University of Technology (unless other requirements are mentioned). To check what we need and what we offer in return, please see this page: For volunteers from outside Łódź, a limited accommodation will be available.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference!

OSM Poland board

OpenStreetMap Poland is a Local Chapter of the OpenStreetMap Foundation, which supports the OpenStreetMap project.

OpenStreetMap was founded in 2004 and is an international project to create a free map  of the world. To do so, we, thousands of volunteers, collect data about  roads, railways, rivers, forests, buildings and a lot more worldwide.  Our map data can be downloaded for free by everyone and used for any  purpose – including commercial usage. It is possible to produce your own  maps which highlight certain features, to calculate routes etc.  OpenStreetMap is increasingly used when one needs maps which can be very  quickly, or easily, updated.

Let’s meet at FOSS4G+SotM Argentina 2017!

Are you living in Argentina or visiting in October?

Mark the following days on your calendar: 23-28th of October 2017!

The OpenStreetMap and FOSS4G communities will meet at a combined event in Buenos Aires, for six days full of geomatics workshops, presentations, exhibitions and interactions, ending on Saturday, October 28th, with a mapathon and hackathon day!

Are you interested? Read the detailed program.

The conference will take place at the National Geographic Institute in Buenos Aires, where many OpenStreetMap related events are hosted.

The Argentinian OSM community is very lively and you can get a glimpse of it at this recent interview on the OpenCage data blog.

You can follow the conference news on the various social media (see the image above) and the related hashtag is #foss4gAR.

Let’s meet in Argentina!

State of the Map Asia 2017: From Creation to Use of OpenStreetMap Data

We invite you to join State of the Map Asia 2017 on September 23-24 in Kathmandu, Nepal.

State of the Map Asia (SotM-Asia) is the annual regional conference of OpenStreetMap organized by OSM communities in Asia. The first SotM-Asia was organized in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2015, and the second was organized in Manila, Philippines in 2016.

This year’s conference, the third in the series, is going to be organized on September 23 – 24, 2017, at Park Village Resort, Budhanilkantha, Kathmandu – an oasis of tranquil greenery in the midst of Nepal’s crowded urban Kathmandu.

The event aims to bring together around 200 OpenStreetMap enthusiasts from Asia and beyond. The event will provide an opportunity to share knowledge and experience among mappers; expand their network; and generate ideas to expand the map coverage of the Asian continent. The theme we have chosen for this year’s meeting is ‘from creation to use’ of OSM data. This theme has been chosen as in the last decade there has been significant growth in the amount of data generated, however Asia still lags behind several other continents in terms of making use of this data. We believe that this decade will see a dramatic growth in the geospatial sector and in the ways people will utilize OSM data. Furthermore, this event will deepen the bond and enhance collaboration among the scattered OSM communities of the largest continent.

You can refer to for more details and updates.


The conference will feature remote keynote address from Kate Chapman (Chairperson of OpenStreetMap Foundation), and keynote speeches from Dr. Lee Schwartz (Geographer of the United States of America) and Prof. Taichi Furuhashi (professor at Aoyamagakuin University and President of CrisisMappers Japan).

We are proud to announce that one of the major highlights of this year’s State of the Map Asia will be 15 country presentations, representing all regions of Asia (Central, Eastern, Northern, Southern, South-Eastern and Western). The conference will also feature presentations ranging from Creation to Use of OpenStreetMap Data and several parallel sessions featuring speakers working in diverse fields such as disaster, governance, entrepreneurship and fine arts. Finally, a special government panel, featuring high level government officials from Southern Asia, will discuss creation and use of OSM data and how government is working to officially recognize OSM data as a source of service delivery.


Kathmandu Living Labs, this year’s conference hosts, has been able to secure full scholarships for more than twenty OSM Asia community members and an additional five partial scholarships.

The conference is free to attend for all OSM community members, and registrations can be made using this form. Park Village Resort, the conference hotel, has provided discounted conference rates for participants. Conference rates apply only for registrations made through this form.

Autumn is one of the best seasons to visit Nepal. Dashain -Nepal’s most celebrated festival- also falls during this time and we encourage all people to participate in the festivities after the workshop.

We are looking forward to see you in Kathmandu on September 23-24, 2017!

The organizers of SotM-Asia 2017

State of the Map: Asia and Latin America

We’ve had plenty of State of the Map conferences in 2016. Japan, United States, France, and Italy all organized their national conferences. Czech Republic and Slovakia united to run their event together. In September it’s the time for the global State of the Map in Brussels, Belgium. And to end this great year of events, we are going to have two continental State of the Map conferences: in Asia and Latin America.

sotm-asia-2016-logosotm latam 2016

Both conferences had their first editions in 2015 and will repeat their success this year. Both events are also offering free tickets for all attendees.

The State of the Map Asia will take place in Manila, Philippines, from October 1st to 2nd. The call for presentations has already finished, and the program will be published soon.

São Paulo, Brazil, will host the State of the Map Latam from November 25th to 27th. The call for talks, workshops and working groups is still open: submit yours before September 25th! The event accepts activities in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Book your place and go meet the mappers of Latin America and Asia.


State Of The Map Event Websites

A whole bunch of local OpenStreetMap community conferences have recently been announced:

State Of The Map CZ+SK, the Czetch & Slovakian conference, is coming up soon on May 21st in Brno.

State Of The Map France will also take place May 20th-22nd in Clermont-Ferrand.

State Of The Map Japan will take place August 6th in Tokyo.

State Of The Map US will take place in July 23rd to 25th in Seattle, Washington.

State Of The Map Latin America will be in November in Sao Paulo, Brazil (exact date to be finalised)

These national conferences, large and small, are organised by local OpenStreetMap communities. If your country is not on the list, you’re welcome to get together with fellow OpenStreetMappers to organise something

…but don’t forget, the main get-together for all of the community, is the international OpenStreetMap conference “State Of The Map“, which will be taking place September 23 – 25 in Brussels.

Announcing the first SotM LatAm

After the success of the global State of the Map 2014 conference realized last November in Buenos Aires, the Latin America OpenStreetMap community is organizing its first continental conference.
SotM LatAm

The State of the Map Latin America will take place in Santiago, Chile, on September 4th, 5th and 6th. The conference will gather the Latin American and global mappers to share community and  entrepreneurial knowledge, techniques and experiences in OpenStreetMap. The official languages for the event are Spanish and Portuguese, with some talks in English as well.

Santiago is the capital of Chile, its financial heart and biggest city,  concentrating approximately 35% of the population of the country (6.5  million people). The event will take place on the days before the AbreLatam (September 7-8) and ConDatos (September 9-10), two of the biggest Open Data conferences in Latin America.

You can already register for the conference and submit a talk proposal on the website:

The SOTM LatAm is organized by the Fundación OpenStreetMap Chile.