You may have noticed something new in your OpenStreetMap editing
today. Potlatch 2 has now gone live on Potlatch 2
is a complete rewrite in ActionScript 3 using the free Flex 3
compiler. Potlatch 2 rendering uses MapCSS and RichardF’s halcyon
rendering library. It’s new. It’s Open Source. And it’s on
But, why didn’t I notice it?
That’s a fair question. You might not have noticed Potlatch 2 on the
main web site because it is now an editor option.
That’s right. If you hover over the Edit tab, you can select from
Potlatch or Potlatch 2. JOSM is also an option if you have JOSM open
with the remote control plugin active. You can set a default editor
in your API user preferences. [Support for the Merkaartor remote
control plugin is coming soon.]
Potlatch 2 may not be the right editor for everybody. There will be
bugs discovered, and removed as development continues. Consider
adding Potlatch 2 to your editing arsenal, and be sure to report any
bugs you find.
The amazing team behind Potlatch 2 and this update to the web site
includes some of the same people who keep OSM running and have been
making OpenStreetMap great for years.
Richard Fairhurst
Andy Allan
Tom Hughes
Dave Stubbs
Matt Amos
And thanks extend to many others including all of those who keep OSM
running day to day, all of the Potlatch 2 testers, documenters, and
MapQuest for sponsoring Andy’s development time over the past few
You can see a graphical representation of the development of the
Potlatch 2 code here:
Congratulations to the entire Potlatch 2 team and thanks for this new editor!
Developers wishing to contribute to Potlatch 2 will find the code in
svn and can hack on it with the Open Source Flex compiler.
Open an editing session in Potlatch 2