The OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF) has it’s annual elections coming up this weekend. Here’s the fun facts:
- London (Cloudmade Ltd, Suite 1.06 Enterprise House, 1/2 Hatfields, London, SE1 9PG, UK) (map)
- Saturday 22nd August 2009 at 14.30 BST
Check out the AGM wiki page and especially the crucial election of board members. The entire OSMF board is up for election as well as some new faces. Each has a manifesto, lists their affiliations, race and pet cat ownership. Who you vote for ultimately helps set the direction of parts of the project and continues to support almost all aspects of it, from the SOTM conference to running the servers.

Then afterward, we have the 5th anniversary OSM meetup with much food, drink and merryment!
- Venue: The Porterhouse (map), same venue as the 2nd anniversary party
- 5pm ’till late
Please do come, and note down yourself on the wiki page because it’s going to be at least 23% more awesome than any other OSM event you’ve been to!
But this is an international effort so be sure to check out the Toronto party and run your own near you if you can’t make it!