Call for SotM 2024 Travel Grant Program Application now OPEN!

State of the Map, our annual gathering, welcomes all who are involved  with or interested in OpenStreetMap. We extend an invitation to everyone  passionate about OSM – whether you’re an amateur mapper, a research  academic, involved in humanitarian efforts, part of an NGO or government  entity, running a small business, or representing a multinational  corporation. Join us in Nairobi on September 6-8, 2024, to exchange  insights and strategies for advancing the OSM ecosystem. Our goal is to  include as many of you as possible in State of the Map 2024! Your  participation at State of the Map is anticipated and encouraged upon  selection. This may involve presenting a talk if chosen by the program  committee, or participating in lightning talk sessions designed for  scholars. Additionally, there are various other ways to contribute to  and support the conference’s success while you are there.

Apply now for support to join us in Nairobi for State of the Map 2024! 

Deadline: 31 January 2024, 23:59:59 UTC

Each year, we receive more scholarship applications than we are able to support. To help us best allocate the funds, please specify the minimum types of support you need to attend. If you are requesting a travel grant, then tell us the amount of money to cover a portion of your travel and make a difference to attending or not. Please review our privacy policy covering how we will handle the information in your application.

Here are some tips to help you complete your application.

  • The clarity and concise answers will be helpful. Keep sentences short. 
  • Select  the minimum level of scholarship you need. This will help us to make  the best use of limited funds and enable more scholars to join.
  • Make sure you clearly state your visa and travel requirements and other potential funding sources.
  • We want to hear about your contributions to OpenStreetMap, your project or your group. We do not want an account of a group’s work but your individual part in it. Try to use “I”, not “we”.
  • You may include links to your OpenStreetMap profile, a local group you run, or software  you created. If your written answer is satisfactory to get on our  shortlist, we might look at these additional details.
  • The motivation statement on why you decided to apply for the TGP

More detailed information on the Travel Grant Programme can be found on the State of the Map 2024 website:

Stay tuned to know more about the news and the events of State of the Map 2024! See you in Nairobi and online.

The State of the Map Working Group

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2 thoughts on “Call for SotM 2024 Travel Grant Program Application now OPEN!

  1. SeverinGeo

    It seems that the amount of the grant follows a bit of a “closer the better” logic, especially for African countries. But travelling from one African country to another is generally more expensive than travelling from Europe to Africa. With €800, many Africans will not even be able to cover the cost of a return flight to Nairobi (you can check this on any travel website), let alone the rest of their expenses. Therefore, it is very unlikely that this grant will allow an active, but not very wealthy, community member from Africa to attend the SotM.

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