Monthly Archives: April 2016

We want you at State of the Map! Apply For a Scholarship!

OpenStreetMap is a world map of many people and places. And we want you all there for our upcoming State of the Map conference in Brussels.

Apply now for a scholarship and join us for State of the Map in Brussels!


Have you made an amazing map, written mappy code, contributed documentation, organized an event, or been an advocate for the OpenStreetMap community? Have you done it all? We want your voice as part of our international gathering. Don’t let the cost of travel stand in your way!

We use part of our State of the Map budget to assist individuals who may not be able to attend State of the Map for whatever financial reason. Support for one another is core to the mission of OpenStreetMap and our State of the Map conference. Scholarships help support the growth of a diverse and international map and an international conference. The point of our map is community, and we want you there.

Application can be found here.

We will carefully review every application and try to get you to Brussels. The scholarships cover full or partial cost of flights, travel expenses and accommodations. So let us know what you need and we will listen.

Your deadline: Sunday May 21, 2016.

Note: You can respond in English, en français, auf Deutsch, or in het Nederlands.

If you have any questions, concerns or want to provide additional information, please contact us at

Sponsor State of the Map 2016!

Op 23-25 september organiseren we OpenStreetMap’s State of the Map 2016 conferentie in Brussel, België. Kom en maak de belangrijkste bijeenkomst van open mapping enthousiastelingen een realiteit door het sponsoren van dit fantastische evenement. Van beurzen tot lage ticketprijzen tot sociale activiteiten, de organisaties die naar voren stappen om de State of the Map conferentie te steunen, helpen mee bouwen aan de toekomst van het OpenStreetMap project. Op State of the Map is het voor sponsors mogelijk om rechtstreeks in contact te komen met de ontwerpers en ontwikkelaars van OpenStreetMap.

Help ons deze conferentie het beste OpenStreetMap evenement ooit te maken door State of the Map te sponsoren. Download ons informatiepakket, en contacteer ons op om de verschillende mogelijkheden te bediscussiëren.