Four New Tile Servers

Have you noticed faster tiles lately? Browsing the map on should now be even more responsive. Three new servers, started providing tiles over the last 2 weeks, joining a server which started earlier in the year.


Map tiles are delivered to users based on their GeoDNS location. The OpenStreetMap tile content delivery network (CDN) now supports EDNS-client-subnet to improve locating the closest region tile cache.

OpenStreetMap tiles are free for everyone to use, but should be used with moderation. If you are a high traffic site you should look into to find out how to use the data and keep the tiles available for everyone.

Thanks to generous donations and active local community members, the OpenStreetMap distributed tile delivery infrastructure continues to grow.

The OpenStreetMap Foundation seeks additional distributed tile servers. If you would like to donate a tile server and hosting, please see the Tile CDN requirements page on the wiki. You can also support OpenStreetMap by donating to the OpenStreetMap Foundation.

The OpenStreetMap Foundation is a not-for-profit organization, formed in the UK to support the OpenStreetMap Project. It is dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free geospatial data and to providing geospatial data for anyone to use and share. The OpenStreetMap Foundation owns and maintains the infrastructure of the OpenStreetMap project.

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5 thoughts on “Four New Tile Servers

  1. Pingback: 國網中心贊助了 OpenStreetMap 頻寬 | Gea-Suan Lin's BLOG

  2. Porjo

    Great news! Too bad Australia doesn’t have a tile server any more. My tiles load from west coast USA at average 390ms latency 🙁

  3. Frédéric Kayser

    correct me if I’m wrong, but looking at some samples like this one:
    it looks like the PNG files have not been heavily optimized since both pngout and zopflipng are able to reduce the file size.

    $ zopflipng 88.png 88-zop.png
    Optimizing 88.png
    Filter strategy zero: 33617 bytes
    Result is smaller
    Input size: 35132 (34K)
    Result size: 33617 (32K). Percentage of original: 95.688%

    $ pngout 88.png 88-out.png
    In: 35132 bytes 88.png /c3 /f0 /d8
    Out: 33683 bytes 88-out.png /c3 /f0 /d8, 256 colors
    Chg: -1449 bytes ( 95% of original)

    5% smaller files is not a huge saving but could still be noticiable on a large scale.

    1. Hrvoje Bogner Post author

      For PNG files and optimization you should talk to people on developer mailing list. They can give you better answer.

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