November 4th, 2013 – November 18th, 2013
A summary of all the things happening in the OpenStreetMap world.
- Several articles have been published about the OSM post response activities in the Philippines (Nextgov, The Guardian, The Atlantic or The New York Times). In addition several photos of printed OSM maps that were used during the field work have been shown. After 15 days overall more than 1,500 OSM contributors from almost 80 countries created nearly 3.8 million map changes! Live changes can be seen here. Several blog posts have been written about the Mapathons: London, Sevilla, Valencia, Graz, Heidelberg and many more … A website visualizing OSM before and after the typhoon is online here.
- A beginner’s guide to getting involved with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT).
- “The work of the OSM Foundation” and its working groups has been presented at the State of the Map 2013. A video of this talk is online now.
- Marguerite Feenstra about “The future of OpenStreetMap“. The artcile includes several statements from Simon Poole (chairman of the OSMF), Eric Gundersen (Mapbox) or Kate Chapman (OSMF & HOT).
- Frederik Ramm wrote an interesting blog post about why the cluster size matters in the case of “map-on-a-stick”.
- Wille wrote a tutorial on how to create a map with markers based on OSM data. Malenki presented an alternative approach using Overpass API.
- Martijn van Exel improved his TIGER vs. OSM battle grid.
- Jim McAndrew wrote a blog post about “OpenStreetMap and the Public Domain“.
- The OpenSnowMap has a new map style and legend.
- The pgRouting project is asking for support to implement Highway Hierarchies.
- Cyclistic is a new webpage that computes bicycle routes in Denmark based on OSM data.
- Free Garmin OSM maps for the Alps (German webpage).
- A new version of Leaflet has been released. You can find additional information and plans for the future in this blog post.
- “Mapbox Vignettes” enables the possibility to create static country map images by name. Tom MacWright showed how hexagons can be used to illustrate point files. He also released a script that converts GeoJSON to KML and published “A free open introduction to geo“.
- The KortGame won the ITG innovation award. The web-app uses a mobile gamification concept to motivate users to fix OSM data.
Authors: Pascal & Dennis – (thx @ “Wochennotiz”)