After many weeks of examining the 48 submitted proposals for the OSMF Microgrants Program, the committee is pleased to announce the 12 projects which have been selected for funding. While the entire range of submissions included thoughtful proposals with potential for impact, a shortlist was formed to keep under the proposed budget of up to €5,000 per project, up to €50,000 total. The selected proposals represent the top tier of ideas that will help shape and impact the OpenStreetMap community in the coming year with microgrant funding.
The accepted proposals are:
- Leaflets to Promote OSM
A series of leaflets promoting OpenStreetMap aligned to our Local Chapter aims. Costs will cover the printing and distribution of the leaflets. Design work is expected to be covered by volunteer time.
- Tactile Maps for Blind or Visually Impaired Children
Inspire others and promote OpenStreetMap by making map that will be used by blind children. Maps will be donated to school for blind children and used during lesson teaching how to move through a city.
- A Free Video Tutorial for Beginners about Mapping Pacific Islands using OSM and QGIS
This is for making and sharing a free educational resource for teaching OSM and QGIS in a Pacific context.
- OSM Ireland Buildings
We have a project to map all of the buildings in Ireland on OpenStreetMap.

- Map Maintenance with StreetComplete
Extend StreetComplete with functionality that makes its users actively and continuously keep contributed map data up-to-date.

- Teaching and learning OSM in Albania through LibreTech School
Organising teaching classes for local OpenStretMap contributors with less or without experience in editing and using OSM. Volunteer’teachers’ will organize online classes with under-represented groups in Albania using amongst others explanatory videos about getting started with OSM and the OSM community.
- Mapping Villages and Settlements in Kosovo
Twelve mapathons are planned to be organized with high school students to map their settlements. This will be done in cooperation with ASSET (an afterschool activity project that aims to develop employability and entrepreneurial skills in youth and a positive attitude to their future ASSET).
- Water and Sanitation mapping in Nairobi’s informal settlements
Mapping in four settlements to complete and update data on public toilets, water points, sanitation facilities.
- HIV facilities mapping in the Philippines on OpenStreetMap
HIV has been very rampant in the country and PLHIV are at most vulnerable specially in times of disaster and outbreak. This project aims to map out and validate all HIV facilities’ location and contact details all over the Philippines on OSM.
- Mapping Uganda’s New Cities
A project to map all 15 recently approved new cities across Uganda.

- Road Completion project
Process automatically the road networks official datasets and display the comparison in a way that will help the mappers to add or fix the road network in OpenStreetMap.
- OpenStreetMap Calendar
OpenStreetMap Calendar simplifies event organisation and staying up-to-date on nearby events.
All projects must conclude within 12 months from their start, and should show promising results as they commence in the near future. Next steps will include final funding agreements for accountability, disbursement of funds, and kicking off the accepted projects.
A total of €42,368 is authorized by the board for this round of microgrants, although some of this will be reduced due to savings on shared video chat infrastructure and other minimal adjustments. No projects were allowed to have their nature or content modified in order to facilitate selection, but were judged on the merit of their originally submitted format. Community endorsements were considered in the selection process, and input of the OSMF Board was provided in regards to the shortlisted projects.
The Microgrants Committee includes Christopher Beddow, Janet Chapman, Geoffrey Kateregga, Clifford Snow, and Hanna Krüger. The committee wishes to profusely thank Joost Schouppe for his advising and refereeing during the process, as well as Craig Allan and Michael Collinson who served as neutral observers in the latter half of the committee proceedings. Finally, a profound thanks goes out to all who put in the effort to build a project proposal focused on improving OpenStreetMap, a dedication which does not always come with reward, but demonstrates the spirit of volunteerism and innovation that helps the OpenStreetMap project thrive.
The OSMF Microgrants Committee
About the OSMF Microgrants: framework, committee minutes and timeline
About photos in this post: The twelve applicants were asked for photos. The post includes those received up to the time of publication.
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The OpenStreetMap Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation, formed to support the OpenStreetMap Project. It is dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free geospatial data for anyone to use and share. The OpenStreetMap Foundation owns and maintains the infrastructure of the OpenStreetMap project, is financially supported by membership fees and donations, and organises the annual, international State of the Map conference. It has no full-time employees and it is supporting the OpenStreetMap project through the work of our volunteer Working Groups. Please consider becoming a member of the Foundation.
OpenStreetMap was founded in 2004 and is a international project to create a free map of the world. To do so, we, thousands of volunteers, collect data about roads, railways, rivers, forests, buildings and a lot more worldwide. Our map data can be downloaded for free by everyone and used for any purpose – including commercial usage. It is possible to produce your own maps which highlight certain features, to calculate routes etc. OpenStreetMap is increasingly used when one needs maps which can be very quickly, or easily, updated.
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