Would you like to translate posts on blog.openstreetmap.org? Or see surveys from the OpenStreetMap Foundation in your language..? This is a call to community members who have helped with translations in the past or want to help now.
- You can translate as many old or new blog posts as you like – expressing an interest does not mean you have to translate every new post.
- We would like to encourage people to collaborate! If more than one person can do a translation, we would be thrilled if you work together.
Blog post translations
We’d like to make the official blog at blog.openstreetmap.org available in more languages, and for some of the existing languages we’d need to catch up on translations of recent blog posts. These are straightforward and we will provide initial guidance.
Extra help needed for translations of surveys
For surveys we need help both in translating the questions, as well as the answers. For that reason we would be thrilled if local communities decided to form small groups that will volunteer to help us. Please note that as anyone who helps with surveys will have access to information that people might want to keep private, you will have to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
The OpenStreetMap Foundation will start doing surveys 2-3 times per year. The next one is planned just before the State of the Map 2019 conference and translation of questions will start this week.
Next step
Want to help?
Please send us an email to communication@osmfoundation.org
with subject: Helping with translations in [your language]
and indicate whether you want to help with translations of blog posts, surveys or both.
Thank you!
Communication Working Group
The OpenStreetMap Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation, formed in the UK to support the OpenStreetMap Project. It is dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free geospatial data for anyone to use and share. The OpenStreetMap Foundation owns and maintains the infrastructure of the OpenStreetMap project, is financially supported by membership fees and donations, and organises the annual, international State of the Map conference. It has no full-time employees and it is supporting the OpenStreetMap project through the work of our volunteer Working Groups. Please consider becoming a member and read about our fee-waiver program.
This post is also available in: Dutch French Japanese Portuguese (Brazil)
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wow, rally appreciates your tremendous idea would be helpful