Monthly Archives: July 2014

Welcoming our first Corporate Members

Back in February we described a new membership option for the OpenStreetMap foundation, and since then we’ve seen our first “corporate members” joining.

Geofabrik, Geotab, Naver, and NextGIS were the first four members, and [UPDATE] they are joined by Mapbox today:

By becoming corporate members, these organisations are generously helping to keep our servers running, supporting the work of our volunteer working groups, and above all showing their support for OpenStreetMap.

We hope to see a growing number of organisations appearing on our Corporate Members page. Thank you for your support!

OpenStreetMap at Open Knowledge Festival

Next week OKFN’s Open Knowledge Festival takes place in Berlin bringing together open data practitioners from all over the planet. There is also a flurry of activities around OpenStreetMap, here is a run down. Are you in Berlin? Come out and meet other mappers.

…and plenty more open map data possibilities related to other sessions on the programme

There’s other conferences where OpenStreetMap will be making an appearance coming up soon too, including:

Check out the wiki events list for these and many more events, and stay tuned for more news about our OpenStreetMap conference(s)


Weekly OSM Summary #98

June 16th, 2014 – June 30th, 2014
A summary of all the things happening in the OpenStreetMap world.

After nearly 4 years and almost 100 Weekly OSM Summary posts, we would like to announce our retirement as editors from this service. Thank you for all your suggestions and submissions to the blog over the years! We hope that other volunteers will be willing to continue this service for the OSM community in the near future. We will officially end our endeavor with the 100th Weekly OSM Summary in a few weeks. This announcement does not imply that we will stop contributing to the OSM project or that we won’t conduct other data analyses in the future. Feel free to check out Pascal’s blog at in the future for any updates. Thanks. Pascal and Dennis

(thx @ “Wochennotiz”)

Upcoming Maintenance

On Saturday 5th of July 2014 between 09:00 and 19:00 (GMT / UTC) we are moving our servers hosted by University College London to another data center.

The following services will be affected:

  • Search ( will be unavailable. *
  • Slower map updates / Reduced tile rendering capacity. (Yevaud outage)
  • OSM Foundation websites and will be unavailable.
  • Taginfo ( will be unavailable.
  • Development Server (errol) will be unavailable.
  • Some imagery services will be unavailable. (GPX Render, OS
    Streetview, OOC, AGRI, CD:NGI aerial)

Other OpenStreetMap provided services should not be affected – all of the following are expected to function normally:

  • web site will allow edits as per normal (iD or
  • API will allow map editing (using iD, JOSM, Merkaartor etc.)
  • Forum
  • trac (bug-tracker)
  • tile serving (“View The Map” & “Export”)
  • Wiki
  • mailing lists
  • subversion and git (source code repositories)

Technical: We are moving all the servers listed here to a new UCL data center. The current building is being closed soon for refurbishment. The new data center has better server racks, power feeds, cooling and faster networking.

* Searches through the website will still work – we will redirect
them to another nominatim instance temporarily.

Grant Slater
On behalf of the OpenStreetMap sysadmin team.