Skobbler Throws Support Behind New OpenStreetMap Infrastructure

Skobbler has pledged €5,000 to help fund improvements and new additions to the infrastructure powering OpenStreetMap. As part of the summer OpenStreetMap Infrastructure Funding Drive, this donation will help the Operations Working group add an additional core server to improve redundancy, add additional routing and tile servers, and extend the hardware contingency fund that kicks in when repairs are needed. The full spec on what infrastructure will be covered in the funding drive is here


Skobbler has made significant investments into OpenStreetMap this year, sponsoring the upcoming State Of The Map conference as well as the SOTM U.S. and SOTM Baltics local conferences. OpenStreetMap is a fundamental piece of Skobbler’s work – they use OpenStreetMap data to power location-based apps and services for mobile devices. You can read more about their work and see the apps they’ve built using OpenStreetMap.

A big thank you to Skobbler for helping improve OpenStreetMap’s infrastructure! The infrastructure funding drive is wrapping up this week, so it’s your last chance to pitch in to this fund-raising effort. Help us scale our infrastructure to support our rapidly growing map and users. Donate here

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5 thoughts on “Skobbler Throws Support Behind New OpenStreetMap Infrastructure

  1. Oli-Wan

    I assume it’s a mere coincidence that of all the companies and natural persons — Inquiron/Mapsdata (USD 5000), Tableau Software (USD 1000), ThinkGeo (USD 1000), Peter Baumgartner (USD 1000), two anonymous donors (USD 1000 each) — who have donated larger amounts it was Skobbler that obtained a special mention on the official OSM blog, three months after the campaign started and immediately before the OSMF board elections in which a Skobbler manager is running for a second term. Right?

  2. Ed

    Other donations have been singled out as well, here was ours (I’m the founder of Lokku) in May.

    As I recently commented on the OSMF mailing list, as an owner of a business who has regularly donated largish amounts to OSMF, HOT, sponsored events, etc it would be very helpful to have all this standardized, i.e. if you donate A you get B, where B could be blog post, tweet, logo on some donors page, link on, etc, etc

    This would help me a lot in terms of convincing others in my organization of the value of what we’re getting.

    As a final note, thanks to skobbler, and all the others, for their donation.

  3. Oli-Wan

    Grant, Ed: Thank you for pointing out the other two posts; I was not aware of them.
    However, the second paragraph does read like a PR statement directly from Skobbler, and the donation’s timing relative to OSMF board elections still leaves a strange taste.

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