June 3rd, 2013 – June 17th, 2013
A summary of all the things happening in the OpenStreetMap world.
- The videos of the State of the Map US conference are online now. Also Code for America wrote a blog post about the conference.
- You can find more or less all videos of the German FOSSGIS & OSM conference 2013 here and the entire schedule here.
- The new OSM editor ID has been translated into more than 30 languages now. Also the new version 1.1. of the editor is available for testing purposes.
- Any .geojson file in a GitHub repository will now be automatically rendered on an OSM map. Wondering how you can create a geoJSON file? Read this quick how to.
- Alexander Avtanski developed a tool that processes GPS tracks and creates a video from the collected data. See an example at his OSM user page.
- A new website creates polygons in different formats out of OSM relations. You can try it out here.
- An OSM Data Report 2013, created by MapBox.
- Sarah wrote a reminder about the Nominatim usage policy.
- A blog post about the HOT OSM data model.
- A new website which renders OSM data which has 3D tags, you can try it out here.
- A new version of the well-known OSM rendering software Mapnik has been published.
Authors: Pascal & Dennis – (thx @ “Wochennotiz”)