Directions (and correcting erroneous routing behavior) with OpenStreetMap

Many people are wondering how they can get directions with OpenStreetMap. Currently, there is no ‘directions feature’ on the website, However, there are methods to get directions based on OpenStreetMap data. Probably the most sophisticated web solution is


You can enter a starting point and a destination, either as an address or POI. Alternatively, you can right-click on the map and select a location as a starting point, and a destination respectively. Directions can be optimised for cars, bicycles or pedestrians.

If you want to report a problem with the directions you can do this in or directly in Also, if you want to work on routing problems, MapDust shows you all the reported problems and gives you the opportunity to adjust a route around a problem to see how the map redirects the engine functions around the problem in real-time. More information can be found in the wiki resource.



There are other tools that might be wortg trying e.g. or

4 thoughts on “Directions (and correcting erroneous routing behavior) with OpenStreetMap

  1. Pink Duck

    OpenRouteService isn’t work mentioning as it doesn’t support turn restriction relations.

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