Tag Archives: DWG

Mikel Maron steps down from DWG Chair

In an email to the OSMF Board, on 06 October 2010, Mikel resigned from his post as Chair of the Data Working Group.


I am resigning from the Chair of the DWG. My time commitments with other Foundation duties, Kibera, and HOT, are already more than full time. Steve has generously offered to take the helm from here.

Thanks everyone for the extremely hard work over the past 2+ years. I first became interested in these issues with the edit war in Cyprus, and we’ve gone very far in defining how the Foundation, reluctantly, gets involved in copyright, vandalism, and conflicts. Fortunately, OSM has been much less plagued by these issues than we might have imagined. Anyone can do whatever they want in OSM, and it turns out most everyone cares deeply about making the map the best map out there.

There’s still lots of work for the group to do, especially in widening participation in the group to ease the work load, effectively communicating the procedures, defining the limits of community license enforcement, and getting OTRS fully operational. Thanks again for keeping up with this work, and much thanks for Steve for stepping up.


The OSMF Board thank Mikel for his service as Chair since the founding of the Data Working Group and for his continued service on the board.