Category Archives: 在地組織與社群工作小組

Help Us Grow and Diversify OSMF Membership Worldwide

by Arnalie Vicario

Welcome to the 2024 OpenStreetMap Foundation Membership Campaign!

Today, members of the OpenStreetmap Foundation (OSMF) Board and several of the OSMF Working Groups are launching a worldwide OSMF Membership campaign with the goal of growing and diversifying OSMF membership in regions where there are no or very few OSMF members.

As you can see from this map, there are many such regions.

A visualization of OSMF membership by country, worldwide

OSM is known for being built by a vast, global community of mappers, GIS professionals, community builders, developers, engineers, trainers, etc. over the last twenty years of the map’s existence, all of whom contribute their local knowledge and maintain open and free geospatial data.

The OSM Foundation administers and supports the making of OSM by overseeing OSM’s technological systems and data. It also helps steer the long-term strategy and well-being of the map.

So, it’s very important to have the membership of the OSM Foundation be reflective of the vast diversity of its community.

Why Do We Need an #OSMFMembershipCampaign?

As headlined on the OSMF website, the OpenStreetMap Foundation is dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free geospatial data and to providing geospatial data for anyone to use and share.

It’s important to note that you don’t have to be a member of the OSM Foundation to make a profile on and begin editing OpenStreetMap. You don’t even have to be a member to volunteer for a local community or a Working Group, or go to a State of the Map event or participate in a mapping party.

However, if you want to make a difference in the overall future of OSM, becoming an OSMF member is a good idea. For example, OSMF members are entitled to vote in the affairs of the Foundation, including to select members of the Board. OSMF members can also self-nominate for the Board. As you can see from its charter, the OSM Foundation values OSM contributors, and the OSMF membership exists to give dedicated contributors a voice in how the Foundation is run. 

However, of 16 January 2024, there are just 1,929 OSMF members. This is a small percentage of the overall number of active mappers in OSM. (Pascal Neis has provided many resources, including this one, which show the data about the tens of thousands of people who are mapping at any one time and the millions who have mapped over the last 20 years.)

The fact that there are only 1,929 OSMF members means that just a tiny percentage of OSM’ers are electing the board and helping shape the OSM strategic plan and finances.

Further, here is the regional distribution of the 1,929 OSMF members.

To be successful at its goal to represent the interests of the OSM community, the OSMF must increase its membership in regions and countries where there are no or very few OSMF members.

The only way this will happen is if many thousands of OSM users decide to join the OSM Foundation as a member–TODAY!

What Are The Benefits of Being a Member of the OSMF?

  1. You get to play a direct role in choosing the leadership of the OSM Foundation. OSMF members vote every year at the Annual General Meeting, usually held in December, to elect the people who serve as volunteers on the OSMF Board. Importantly, you have to be a member in good standing 90 days before the election, so the time to join is now.
  2. If you’re a member during the 180 days before the General Meeting, you can self-nominate to serve as a member of the OSMF Board. This allows you to influence the strategic plan, some of OSM’s finances and other matters of governance.
  3. You show your support for the map and the community.

    Here are additional reasons.

Please help shape the future of OSM by joining the OpenStreetMap Foundation

I Want to Help with the #OSMFMembershipCampaign

  1. Be a Campaign Ambassador!
  1. Join the Team! Comment on the Call for Volunteers thread in the OSM Community Forum.
  • We are specifically looking for volunteer translators who can help us translate into different languages, specifically:
    • French
    • Spanish (Juan)
    • Arabic
    • Portuguese
    • Swahili
  • We are also looking for help to explore other spaces where we can reach OSM community members, for example by organizing webinars, researching spaces e.g. podcasts where we can promote the campaign, and going live on social media (e.g. Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, etc.).

Here is the OSMF Membership Drive 2024 Plan on the OSM Wiki.

For any additional questions and comments, reach out to us via the OSM Community Forum thread.

We appreciate your help and look forward to growing and diversifying OSMF membership with you!

The OSMF Membership Campaign Team

The OpenStreetMap Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation, formed to support the OpenStreetMap Project. It is dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free geospatial data for anyone to use and share. The OpenStreetMap Foundation owns and maintains the infrastructure of the OpenStreetMap project, is financially supported by membership fees and donations, and organises the annual, international State of the Map conference. Our volunteer Working Groups and small core staff work to support the OpenStreetMap project. Join the OpenStreetMap Foundation for just £15 a year or for free if you are an active OpenStreetMap contributor. 社群頁籤登場

現在有新的尋求 OSM 社群與尋求連結的新方式。

在 網站右上角的地方,如今你可以找到連結正式在地組織,以及其他類型的 OSM 社群,單一、集中一處的「社群」頁籤。 目前有相當多的社群了,而 OSM 一直持續成長,因此是個好時機來用更顯目的方式來連結。

根據 LCCWG 成員 Joost Schouppe 說法,新的頁籤「大概是從引入註解系統之後,  網站最為顯著的變動了。」

當你瀏覽到新的「社群」頁面時,你會看到透過 OSM 社群索引 (OSM Community Inde, OCI) 動態呈現的在地組織列表資料。 事實上,最困難的部分是怎麼將 OCI 資料整合進頁面,而非只是靜態方式,簡單添加在地組織的內容。 而就如同網站維護人員 Andy Allan 指出:「後面的方式會相對快速與簡單,但是採用 OCI 意味著當增加新組織時能夠自動更新,也意味著再次利用我們已經支援的 46 種語言的在地組織的翻譯名稱。」  


「這只是開始」LCCWG 成員 Adam Hoyle 說,他參與這個計畫。  「理想上這個園地能成長成為人們與社群找到彼此的聚集頁面。 」 

顯示在地組織清單只是我們初步想做的事情,如今技術挑戰都已經解決了。 例如說,新圖客在他們個人檔案設定家位置時,能夠為他們客製化顯示在地討論區、畫地團團魯以及溝通頻道清單在他他們的個人儀表板上。 

要讓「社群」頁面更加改進,需要社群的付出。 「所有的社群資訊都已經在 OCI 上了,所以我們需要人來擴展整合工作,」Allen 說。Schouppe 補充說:「從 2020 年 10 月開始,這件任務就已經在 LCCWG 的工作清單了,而 Adam 則是從 2021 年 1 月開始進行。由於是用志工時間來進行,因此會需要時間以及精力來改進 網站,但我們最終做到了。」

→ 要協助開發 網站,請參閱 主要的 Github 和/或 這個 issue ,會顯示已經存在的 pull requests 與給予你怎麼參與貢獻的點子。

→ 要幫助 LCCWG 來壯大在地社群成長,請 加入他們的頻道

 我想要感謝 Adam Hoyle 的貢獻以及他的耐心來完成整個工作。  要達成目標所需要的技術基礎,花了些時間但為了未來發展仍需要做;另外也得與 OCI 背後的團隊接洽,請求他們更動一些事情來幫助我們取得翻譯  完成工作並且更為容易。-Andy Allan

The OpenStreetMap Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation, formed to support the OpenStreetMap Project. It is dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free geospatial data for anyone to use and share. The OpenStreetMap Foundation owns and maintains the infrastructure of the OpenStreetMap project, is financially supported by membership fees and donations, and organises the annual, international State of the Map conference. Our volunteer Working Groups and small core staff work to support the OpenStreetMap project. Join the OpenStreetMap Foundation for just £15 a year or for free if you are an active OpenStreetMap contributor.