Preparation for State of the Map 2020, Cape Town is underway and the organizing team is calling upon you to join the scholarships review and selection team. We would like to set up a diverse team with a wide geographic scope, ethnic and gender diversity, and different kinds of experiences in the OpenStreetMap community.

What does being part of the review team mean?
Being on the scholar selection team means that you will read and rate most or all of the SotM 2020 scholarship applications. You will learn about interesting projects and about the contributions of other OSMers first hand. We will help you by providing the criteria to judge the applications. We expect the scoring to take a half day to a full day all together, spread out over several days. We will send you a spreadsheet or a link to an online spreadsheet and you will be asked to
i) provide a single rating for each application and
ii) add a note why you gave that rating. We will use those comments during the final selection.
After scoring the applications you can participate in the team’s discussions about the final selection – but this is not an absolute requirement. So, if you do not feel comfortable or have technical difficulties, do not worry. Please note that we expect any personal information provided by the applicants, or by other team members, to be kept confidential.
What is the timeline?
Submissions for scholarship applications will open on January 15, 2020 and close on February 15, 2020 so you will have to read and rate the applications up to March 1, 2020. During the last week of February, you will be asked if you want to participate in the discussions about the final selection.
Are you interested?
If you are interested in being considered as a member of the selection team, please fill this form by January 7, 2020.
If you have any questions/feedback, send us an email at
SotM 2020 scholarships team
Interested to help in other ways..? We are looking for you.
The State of the Map conference is the annual, international conference of OpenStreetMap, organised by the OpenStreetMap Foundation. The OpenStreetMap Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation, formed in the UK to support the OpenStreetMap Project. It is dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free geospatial data for anyone to use and share. The OpenStreetMap Foundation owns and maintains the infrastructure of the OpenStreetMap project and you can support it by becoming a member. The State of the Map Organising Committee is one of our volunteer Working Groups.
OpenStreetMap was founded in 2004 and is a international project to create a free map of the world. To do so, we, thousands of volunteers, collect data about roads, railways, rivers, forests, buildings and a lot more worldwide. Our map data can be downloaded for free by everyone and used for any purpose – including commercial usage. It is possible to produce your own maps which highlight certain features, to calculate routes etc. OpenStreetMap is increasingly used when one needs maps which can be very quickly, or easily, updated.
This post is also available in: Spanish
Since the form you link to asks for personal data of the applicants it should have a privacy policy. This is not only a legal requirement, it would also be logical to guarantee applicants a responsible use of their data when OTOH confidentiality is required from them.
Being on the scholar selection team means that read and rate most or all of the SotM 2020 scholarship applications. It is the best option to get a scholarship in year 2020.
Chris needs to worry about his personal info online cause he is a childmolester and a foney and he also steals personal info among consumers online.THIS SITE SHOULD REALLY WORRY ABOUT THIS FRAUD CALLED CHRISTOPHER MATHEW BOWEN….
Pingback: Applications for State of the Map 2020 scholarships are now open! | OpenStreetMap Blog
Pingback: Applications for State of the Map 2020 scholarships are now open! - January 18, 2020 at 11:21AM - John Jason Fallows