July 1st, 2013 – July 15th, 2013
A summary of all the things happening in the OpenStreetMap world.
- The preliminary schedule of the State of the Map 2013 in Birmingham is online.
- The OSM Data Working Group wrote an “Activity Report for Jan-Jun 2013“. Also all protocols of the Licensing Working Group can be found here.
- First ideas of the OSMF Future Working Group have been published.
- Harry Wood published his slides that introduce “An OpenStreetMap training course intro“.
- Charlotte Hoarau created a 3D Watercolor OSM map (based on a Stamen map and a national elevation dataset).
- ESRI published a lightweight set of tools that allows ArcGIS services to work with Leaflet.
- Based on the “leaflet-providers” preview page, you can copy and paste JS code for different OSM maps that you can use in your leaflet online browser map.
- Russ Deffner mapped the entire Colorado State University.
- Johannes Kröger published his results about his “Analysis and improvement of the OpenStreetMap street color scheme for users with color vision deficiencies“.
- Maxim Rylov wrote a blog post about “High Cartographic Quality Label Placement on OSM-based Map“. You can find two great examples here and here.
Authors: Pascal & Dennis – (thx @ “Wochennotiz”)