A message from Michael Collinson and the Licensing Working Group
“Hi everyone,
We ask OSM mappers to check their local mapping areas, try and contact anyone who has not decided about re-licensing and then do as much remapping as you can. Please do this in good faith and not just copy things created by contributors who have declined or undecided! You can use information contributed by continuing mappers, resources like Bing imagery and your own knowledge. If you are mapping in Poland or the Czech Republic, please also note that we are aware of special issues that makes this difficult for you right now.
We would like to switch over licenses in two months time. In order to do that, un-relicensable data has to be removed from the active database, though it will remain in publicly available archives. The latest indications are that 1.9% of ways will likely not survive the license change and a further 0.6% may have to be reverted back to an earlier state.
We would like to decrease that still further.

Your mapping area may be much worse or much better. You can use the license change view on OSMinspector and zoom into your area (Information on this tool). You can then click on Potlatch or JOSM icons to find out more and to do remapping. More info
We ask that you look at your areas and contact undecided mappers via the OpenStreetMap messaging system or directly if you know them. So that they do not get bothered too many times, please log who you contacted on this wiki page
This page also has example messages in different languages. Ask undecided mappers to please log into their account and accept even if they no longer wish to continue mapping as their previous contribution is important to you. Contact from someone mapping in the same area is very useful.”
The text of this posting can also be found at Remapping/Contact And Remap Campaign. Please feel to simplify it to help non-native English speakers and to translate it into other languages.
Original mailing list post