April is food month. We’ll be tagging various portions of the food
supply system in and around our homes. We’ll look at Farmers’ Markets
for the full month; venues for many vendors of food directly from the
source. Through the month we’ll look at individual vendors of various
foods. As always, Project of the Week and Project of the Month exist
only to encourage your mapping. You don’t need to wait for a project
to add a cheese shop to the map! Unless, of course, you waited for
this week! This week, prepared foods.
Delicatessen, convenience stores and prepared food
Prepared foods occupy that middle ground between groceries and a
restaurant. Some delicatessens have seating and table service, and
might be correctly tagged as {{tag|amenity|restaurant}}. But the
stock in trade of the deli is prepared food. Cured meat, or potato
salad, or caviar, or herbed olive oil for inclusion in your family
meals. The convenience store might provide you with a pre-made
sandwich and a carton of milk, but table service is unlikely. So is a
chair. Recent studies have found that urban areas with financial
challenges often lack the markets and grocery stores from earlier in
this project of the month.
This week we look at those not-quite-restaurants that are not quite
food vendors. The prepared food vendors such as delis and convenience
stores are the focus of this Project of the Week. Let’s put our local delis and convenience stores and other prepared food vendors on the map.
This is your Project of the Month. Make suggestions. Inspire other
mappers. What is it about contributing to OpenStreetMap that
interests you? Postboxes? Bowing alleys? Share your OpenStreetMap
interests by suggesting a Project of the Week or Project of the Month.
Deli photo by Liz Henry is licensed CC-By-ND