Monthly Archives: August 2010

What is the motto of self-described “Map Dorks”?

Terry Stigers was inspired
by Steve’s post the other day. He responded with an interesting article
which includes what should become the motto of every Map Dork. I
won’t steal Terry’s thunder and have quoted the article in part here:

Anyway, I got to thinking about a discussion I had with a
fellow Map Dork on Twitter a short while ago, about data and GIS.
About how the majority of the GIS community spends the bulk of its
time thinking about what to do with data, and not enough time thinking
about the quality of the data itself.

It’s like this – whenever I make a map, there are two primary
components involved in the process. The first is the software that
produces said map. [ … ]

The second component of any map I make is the data with which I make
the map.

The details matter, so you should go and read the rest of Terry’s article now.

Project of the Week: Out on a Limb – Adding trees to OpenStreetMap

They create oxygen in our cities and provide welcome shade from the
sun or temporary respite from a summer shower. There are trees urban
areas and sometimes they should be put on the map. How do you place a
noble Oak on OpenStreetMap? You follow the link to Project of the

More details and tagging suggestions for this Project of the Week:

This is your Project of the Week. Make suggestions. Inspire other mappers.

Tree photo by fr4dd
Licensed ccby