Monthly Archives: June 2010

Ubuntu, OpenStreetMap and Google translate.


Some of our favourite OpenStreetMappers were showing OSM at a recent
Ubuntu Release party in The Netherlands. The response was great, or
so I’m told, but look at this?

What happened in the translation of the names in the photo caption?
Author and standing, at left, is Floris Looijesteijn and the
translation has created some kind of Cycling-super-hybrid.

Original links below.……

Planet file now at 10 GB

Frederik writes:

For the first time, this week’s .osm.bz2 planet has an eleven-digit size (10026036818 bytes). That’s up 20% from beginning of the year. In 2007, we had an 88% increase in the same time span; in 2008 it was 36%, and in 2009 it was 19%. Of course these numbers say little since we had numerous large imports, format changes, and even changed the bz2 implementation along the way.

The uncompressed XML file ist just a few bytes short of 150 GB.

Map? Art? Both?

Sometimes a map becomes more than just a spatial representation and becomes something else. Sometimes a data visualisation becomes more than just the underlying data and almost takes on a life of its own. When these two things meet or collide the results can be spectacularly compelling and almost … art? Which brings me neatly to the Geotagger’s World Atlas.

This rendition of geotagged photos from the Flickr and Picasa APIs is recognisably London but seems more akin to the London of one of Neil Gaiman’s novels than anything you’d find in Stanfords in London’s Covent Garden.

I could spend hours looking at the entire Flickr set of images. Correction, I have spent hours looking at the entire Flickr set of images; hence my original blog post on these lovely images.

Photo credit: Eric Fischer on Flickr.

Image of the Week: OSM editor Mapzen


The image of the week is a screenshot of an OSM editing program,

About Image of the Week
These are Featured images, which have been identified as the best
examples of OpenStreetMap mapping, or as useful illustrations of the
OpenStreetMap project.

If you know another image of similar quality, you can nominate it on
Featured image proposals.