Locatum: Outing the OS “policy options” ‘consultation’

In the intervening months you may have observed (as I have not been ‘anon’) various comments I have made to various posts and other blogs (I can’t remember them all now so no links!) correcting factual errors and establishing a soap box of sorts from which to contrast and/or challenge in a “you can’t prove that your emperor has any clothes” kind of way some of the statements, demands and assumptions of the ‘georati’ (?).

Now of course you may argue that I, on behalf of emapsite, have an agenda of my own, what with being an OS Premium Partner (that’s value adding reseller) and all. You may be right and I am not going to be sharing corporate information here so you’ll just have to speculate but on the whole you won’t find me hiding behind some smoke-screen of nobility and social good. Actually, on the one hand I am 100% behind the release of data sets under some kind of OS Free in support of these kind of activities, mashups etc, unhindered by the derived data nonsense. On the other hand I give short shrift to a number of things:

– that data (in this context OS data) is ‘expensive’
– that large scale geographic data has a high price elasticity of demand
– that there are businesses going out of business or not come into business because data is so ‘expensive’

Interesting rant