Ever since OpenStreetMap started to receive interest and publicity its been regularly misquoted in the plural form, OpenStreetMapS. Now thanks to some diligent work by Grant Slater we are the proud owner of the openstreetmaps.org domain. No more will folks around the globe be able to google it badly.
Unfortunately getting the domain wasn’t cheap, in fact we had planned to run a donate drive to cover the cost before purchasing it, but such is our popularity we were concerned that the price might rise, so we’ve nipped in quick and secured it at the original offer price and now its ours.
Alas though the Foundation is now out of pocket by $1300 / £800. Please make a donation to help us raise this to replenish the coffers for when the next opportunity arises.
The value (popularity) of openstreemap.org arises from the voluntary work of many enthusiast. I thinks it was unmoral to charge OSM for the domain, exploiting others donations to gain some quick money. So wouldn’t it be an option to publish a critical article about this domain grabber, so she can rethink about this? Or some more background on the transaction in the case I’m completely wrong.
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Congrats! but time for a new post? or link to opengeodata blog?