I’ve put together three map animations of progress in OpenStreetMap: London, Birmingham and the UK. Your browser might crop the timestamp at the top so it’s best to download and play it directly.
Monthly Archives: January 2006
UK Motorway Carriageways Complete!
Etienne Cherdlu writes:
I’m pleased to announce that the main carriageways of all mainland UK motorways have been completed. Over 3,000 km of roadway.
This does not include motorways in Northern Ireland nor does it include motorway sections of A roads, so there is still plenty of work to do.
Indeed, the user contributions are now outstripping the current editing software! In the works is functionality to classify the motorways so they can be rendered more effectively in our map drawing software and used effectively in any future routing algorithms.
Still, this is an excellent result, well done to the UK Motorways team, who could still use your help in adding/refining junctions and checking for consistency.
In other news, OpenStreetMap gained it’s 1000th registered user just before the new year.