As many of you will have seen the OSM project is in the midst of shifting license due to problems with Creative Commons applicability to data. You can read why here, here and here. There has been a lot of discussion on the mailing lists about this and with any license debate in an open project a lot of FUD. Today Matt Amos and Mike Collinson, members of the LWG together with Peter Batty, Richard Fairhurst and myself produced a podcast which covers many of the issues. To discuss more please feel free to comment on this post or join the legal mailing list where this has been discussed approximately 9 billion times over the last 2 years.
Category Archives: Podcasts
Ian White’s panel at Nav&Loc
Yesterdays closing panel, which overran substantially, was great. Bordering on hilarious. The panel included Christian Petersen of CloudMade, Darren Koenig from TeleAtlas and Duncan McCall of Public Earth. Podcast is here. Best quality I could get with my laptop mic.
Podcast: Steve on CNN
Check out this mp3 of a quick CNN radio segment about OSM. This went out to some number of hundreds of affiliate stations across the USA today. Woo!
Podcast: James Fee & Peter Batty discussing the Google Data earthquake
Check out this podcast where James Fee, Peter Batty and I talk about the recent Google non-announcement that they’ve displaced TeleAtlas in the US with their own data. Both James and Peter have written about this in their own blog posts here (over 130 comments!) and here respectively. Enjoy.
Remember you can subscribe to the opengeodata podcasts with the links on the right.
Video Chat with Frederik Ramm
Video chat with Peter Miller
Video chat with Jon Burgess
Here’s another video chat, this time with Jon Burgess of the crack ninja OpenStreetMap server team. Check out youtube below or grab the video over here.
Chats with OSMF board members
Here’s another video podcast with OSMF board members Andy Robinson, Mike Collinson, Henk Hoff and Ulf Möller. Again these were at the 5th anniversary party. You can find the podcast here and below watch it in vimeo:
Chats with OpenStreetMap Foundation board members from Steve Coast on Vimeo.
Cakes at the 5th Anniversary Party
Remember the amazing cake made for OSMs birthday the other week? Well I somewhat rashly promised a bottle of champagne for anyone who did something similar at the London party, so of course two people brought cakes.
Check out the videos of Matt and Greg’s efforts in this youtube video (which will also show up as a podcast video if your subscribed). Topics vary away from just cakes on to broader OSM subjects, and the very fun living with dragons. YouTube is still processing the video so check back if it’s not working yet.
OpenStreetMap server upgrades
Last weekend the OSM servers received a major reorganisation, tidy and new machines including beasts like the new tile server yevaud which has ‘only’ 24Gb of RAM and a few terabytes of storage. You can read more about what was done on the wiki page.
Here you can see the internet’s Matt Amos opening the new boxes:
And here the interwebs Andy Allan of OpenCycleMap fame in an action shot:
Two days of hard work led to some super professional server cabinets all neatly stashed and humming away:
As well as Matt and Andy, Grant Slater (see more below), Cragg Nilson, Kai, Frederik Ramm and Dave Stubbs all helped out so big thanks to them!
Whilst at the OSM 5th Anniversary Party I had the chance to chat with a number of people and put together some videos using the awesome Flip HD camera (Amazon UK, Amazon US
). The first of which is below where I talk to Grant. You can watch it online on youtube or watch it on your iPod here. Remember you can catch all these media things with the podcast link at the top right of the site.