SotM 2024: Call for Lightning talks

If you missed all SotM 2024 calls for participation, here is a chance to submit a presentation: Lightning talks are quick 5-minute talks about any topic related to OpenStreetMap. Since SotM 2024 is hybrid conference, there are two options for holding a lightning talk:

In-person lightning talk in Nairobi: These are traditional lightning talks held during one of the lightning talk sessions on-site at the conference. The registration for in-person lightning talks opens in-person when the conference starts in Nairobi. You can register for a slot directly at the conference venue.

Online pre-recorded lightning talks: We offer the opportunity to submit short videos (maximum 5 minutes). So if you don’t make it to Nairobi, you can still participate with a lightning talk and present your topic to a wider audience virtually.

Submission of online pre-recorded lightning talks is now open. We are looking forward to your videos on OpenStreetMap-related topics. The deadline to register and upload pre-recorded lightning talks is 20 August 2024 23:59:59 UTC

For more details and to register a pre-recorded lightning talk, please visit the OpenStreetMap Wiki at

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