February 13th, 2012 – February 27th, 2012
A summary of all the things happening in the OpenStreetMap (OSM) world.
- The State of the Map (SotM) 2012, held in Japan, needs a logo.
- A blog post about the switch of geochaching.com from Google to OSM.
- The Guardian published an article titled „OpenStreetMap: ‘It’s the Wikipedia of maps’“ as part of the „Britain’s 50 new radicals“ series.
- The websites of the European Union are recommending OSM as a webmap.
- An new analysis by Martijn about the State of the OSM Road Network in the US can be found here.
- The Humanitarian OSM Team (HOT) is looking for help to create a creole OSM-Book in Haiti.
- Version 0.3 of the Leaflet JavaScript library for interactive maps has been published.
- A python module implementing the Overpass API for OSM map data queries.
- A new map for on the road showing hotels, camping areas and other useful information.
- An OSM map with ASTER hillshading (30m raster) of the University of Heidelberg.
- The open source tool Freemind allows the integration of geo-positions and OSM maps now.
- A new open source tool termed OSM Explorer allows rendering and routing on Windows.
- SteveC initiated a new project: opengeocoder.net
- A Youtube video about a mapping party in Russia can be found here.
Did we miss something? You can contact us via weekly.osm@googlemail.com
Authors: Pascal & Dennis – (thx @ “Wochennotiz”)