A financial donation for OpenStreetMap was announced today on the
OpenStreetMap Foundation blog. This latest donation follows their
dontation in September 2010 and many other activities in the OSM
community. Read about the donation on the OSMF blog.
The donation from MapQuest is not earmarked for specific use but will
be used to support OpenStreetMap operations. Typically, financial
support for OSM allows the purchase of big ticket items like a new
database server. You can see from the server upgrades page on the
wiki that many other bits and pieces go in to keeping OpenStreetMap
moving smoothly.
* note: The server room shown above is not the OSM server room.
CERN server room photo by Torkild Retvedt http://www.flickr.com/photos/torkildr/
is licensed CC-By-SA http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en_CA
Could we please put some of the money towards helping with the coastline updates
> The server room shown above is not the OSM server room. At least not yet
The server room in the picture is the CERN computer center, ground floor