It may be the most widely-viewed sporting event in the world.[1] The
FIFA World Cup will kick off in South Africa next week. In
preparation, points of Interest were collected . All that remains is
to add the finishing touches.
You can help in 3 different ways:
– Map a training stadium.
– Trace buildings and other features from Y!
– Local mappers, add building addresses.
More details, tagging suggestions and links to stadium locations for
this Project of the Week:
This Project of the Week was presented by Nic Roets. Nic is a cyclist
and long-time OSM contributor from South Africa.
Nic is also the author of the Gosmore navigation and routing
application for OpenStreetMap.
This is your Project of the Week. Make suggestions, like Nic did when
he provided us with this PotW.
Soccer photo by susieq3c
Licensed ccby