Tell your 500 best friends to come to WhereCamp because with free, unticketed entry WhereCamp 2010 is set to be the best yet!
Just as with previous WhereCamps, this is an unconference, anyone and everyone is welcome to come and discuss local, maps, augmented reality, open standards, open ecosystems and more!
Join us for two days of fun and participate as much or as little as you wish. Sessions are organized in a bottom up way where any participant can propose a talk, topic or discussion which are held in multiple streams in multiple rooms.
Expect late night werewolf games, music, geocaching and more tomfoolery should be expected and encouraged.
* Check out the blog: http://blog.wherecamp.org/
* There’s a wiki: http://www.socialtext.net/wherecamp/
* We’re twitter-literate! http://twitter.com/wherecamp
WhereCamp is at teh gooooooooooooogolz:
* April 3/4 at Google Campus
* 1300 Crittenden Lane, Mountain View, California 94043
This is right after Where 2.0 ends.. ..and then the party really starts.
Please let us know you’re coming so we can gauge how much food we need over here.