Want to get involved in OpenStreetMap but don’t have a GPS or even computer? Now there’s walking papers.
Walking papers lets you print out a OSM map and then write on it. Get home, scan it in and then that map can be drawn on top of using familiar OSM tools. To do this, it prints magic codes on the edge of the map that can be recognised when scanned back in to geolocate the image. If you don’t even have a printer or scanner, they’ll print and scan for you via the postal service. You can meet the author of walking maps, Mike Migurski, and try it out this weekend at the San Francisco Mapping Party.
This is the most utterly brilliantly terrific thing ever! Thank you so massively! Huzza I say, and in its most superlative form too! Gorgeous!
Dear, the server is down now.
When I type the demo url to browser (http://www.yournavigation.org/gosmore.php?flat=52.215676&flon=5.963946&tlat=52.2573&tlon=6.1799&v=motorcar&fast=1&layer=mapnik)
It shows “An unexpected error occured in Gosmore: ”
Could you please help me to slove this problem.
Thanks and Best Regards,