April 7th, 2014 – April 21st, 2014
A summary of all the things happening in the OpenStreetMap world.
- The program of the SotM-EU in Karlsruhe, Germany (June 13th-15) is online now. Get your early bird tickets here.
- All videos of the SotM US 2014 are online.
- DigitalGlobe announced that they will bring “timely and relevant imagery to OpenStreetMap” implemented in the popular OSM editors iD or JOSM.
- Ilya Zverev created a new browser-based OSM editor called: Level0.
- Slide is an OSM iD editor add-on to optimize line mapping with GPS data.
- The OSM Inspector address view (which checks for misspelled addresses or addresses without matching roads) is now available world-wide.
- BBBike.org now also offers SRTM data downloads in OSM pbf file format.
- The OSM Stack: A mind map visualization by Christophe Rodier.
- Jue Yang, Kate Chapman and Chris Henrik worked on a new and better “HOT OSM Export Tool” during the SotM US. You can read more about their results here.
- A second update about the HOT response for the “2014 West Africa Ebola Outbreak“. Also, a summary is available here.
- SK53 wrote a blog post about Nick Whitelegg and his “10 years of footpath mapping for OpenStreetMap“.
- OSM map of Budapest (Hungary) with live public transport.
- OSM diary entry “Elevation carving using OSM waterway data” by Andrew Buck.
- The new tool “OsmHydrant” by Robert Koch simplifies the process of adding and editing hydrants in OSM.
- Chrill Hill wrote a blog post on how you can use/create historical map overlays for OSM.
- Harry Wood created a video about “Updating the Olympic Park in OpenStreetMap“.
- OSM contributor ybon added GeoRSS support on uMap. He is also working on a Heatmap made for uMap. What is uMap?
- Quattroshapes offers OSM boundary downloads for different administrative levels.
Authors: Pascal & Dennis – (thx @ “Wochennotiz”)